Scenario: You/he gives birth

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So this is the birth chapter...and it's long so be prepared. Also ainulkim_tw your request is in Madaras scenario :).

Tree Man

When Hashi found out you were giving birth he shot up and started to ask so many questions. Too many that in fact Tobi Hirishaned him to the hospital.

"Lord Hokage!?" Kagami Uchiha yells. But sadly he was ignored and the brunette ran inside your room. Only to see you with a baby girl with (H/c) and (E/c).

"(N/n)! I'm sorry I was late I-"

"Shh, it's okay, but what should we name her?" You ask. He thinks for a second.
"Itama...?" You smile and nod.

Madara 2nd PoV (Mood swing #1:Tsundere)

"Senjuuu!! I hate you!!" Madara yells as you look at him with a bored expression. You are currently doing some paperwork and since Madara has a bunch of paperwork you decided to do some of it.

"Why Love? Did I do something to upset you?" You ask. He blushes and looks away. You just sit there confused.

"That paperwork was for Izuna..." he mumbles. You look at him and slightly chuckle.

You open your arms signaling that he can come for a hug. He smiles and walks over to you and sits down on your lap.

"You're mine got that?" He asks. You nod and give him the book he is currently reading. He takes it and you start to do some more Paperwork.

Mood swing #2: Affectionate

"Idioooot! Come over here!!" Madara yells as you are inside making lunch.

You smile and happily go outside only to be attacked to the ground by your husband.

"I looovvveee you, don't die on me! I don't want to deal with the brat on my own" Madara says nuzzling into your neck.

You hum in response and try to get up but Madara doesn't allow you to.

You feel him starting to kiss your neck and you hum.

"Love, you are carrying our child, do try to be careful" You whisper in his ear. He pouts and nods before starting to drag you inside.

Mood swing #3: Being weird

You walk inside the living room expecting a place to lay down but instead you see Your husband crying on the couch that Hashirama made for a wedding gift.

So automatically you sprint over to him. "Love what happened? Is the baby coming?" You ask worriedly.

"Senju, The Baby hit me..*hic*" he whispers as he pulls you into a hug.

You give him a confused look (again). 'Oh dear, this is only the first 3 months...'

Mood swing #4: Ignoring

'Love hasn't come back for the past few hours...What if he got hurt? Should I go look for him? What if he was taken and his eyes were stolen so he was left blind? I can't find his chakra!' You start to fret.

Sure you should trust your husband but his pregnancy has taken some if not most of his chakra.

You hear the door open and you sprint over to the one at the door. "Love! I am glad you are alright! Would you like me to-"

"Hn, go away and busy yourself with bullshit!" He yells and pushes you out of the way.

"I-I see, I am sorry...." You mumble and go in your office to do his, Tobiramas, and Hashiramas work.

After a couple hours you decide to go to sleep. But when you enter the room you see Madara sleeping on an unfamiliar futon.

So you do what most people would do and cuddle him from behind.

"Love, I am sorry" You whisper in his ear. He turns around and hugs you. "Hn"

Mood swing #5 Crying

Madara had challenged you to a light sparring match. You agreed to it and told him you would be out in a few minutes.

But when you go outside you see him bawling his eyes Out.

Then your calm and collective side crumbles to the ground.

"Love are you Alright?" You ask. He hits one of your chakra points and sends you flying into a wall.

"Ninja must see through deception" he says. You shoot him an annoyed look but immediately vanishes.

"Idiot!" He yells and sprints off.

'Just 1 more month and I can punish him, 1 more month...' You mentally remind yourself.

You knew before anyone actually. So you prepared.

When it was the day to give birth you carried Madara to Tobis lab and called Mito over to help Tobi since Male impregnation isn't something a regular docter can do.

You stayed until it was finished and you were about to carry your little baby boy.

"No, The person who gives birth can hold the child first" Mito says. You glare at her but nod.

"Hm, (S/n) sounds nice" Madara mumbles. You nod and Wait unt it was your turn to hold your kid.


"Gah!" You yell. Tobirama immediately gets alarmed and picks you up and carries you to the Konoha Hospital.

"(Y/n)-Senpai!" Naomi (the side character) yells.

"We got this from here, thank you Tobirama-San" She says with a bow and other doctors come to get the baby out of you.

Suddenly you start to scream frightening Poor Tobi. Tobi glares st the smirking Naomi and sprints to you.

"Mr. Senju?" A nurse asks. He nods and moves towards your tired form.

"One more push(almighty push!)"

You push hard and a child is carried to you. It being a male.

"Tsuyoi(Strong)" You say and cuddle them.

"Rest, I will watch over you" Tobi says and you nod and fall asleep.


You and Izuna are currently on a mission. Sadly you both forgot that your due date was today.

"Ahhhhh!!! What the fu-!" You scream.

"Language (Name)-san!" An Anbu says.

"Izuna-Kun! Calm down they will be alright!"

You end up giving birth to 1 child. And she is a girl.

"Izuna you may come in" the Medic nin said.

When Izuna came in he glared at the Medic.

"Oi, Dummy, names?"

"(D/n)?" He answered immediately.

You sigh and nod falling into a deep sleep.

Oh jeez, Madaras is long..But that's okay because I had fun typing it. So Yay.

1049 Words

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