Hashirama and Tobirama Oneshot! pt. 1

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Hashirama x Tobirama x cold!Fem!Reader
Requested by: VladanaRalevic. I can't find any good fanfics anymore..also italics are you remembering certain things. They will be in first person. Enjoy.

2nd PoV (your are 10 here)

"[Y/n]! Stop fucking around! Have you ever hold a sword before!? I know I have taught you before!" Your father yells taking the iron sword out of your hands.

"Father...you d-didnt teach m-me, you taught elder brother.." You stutter shaking slightly. The only reason you stutter is due to fear. You never feel the other emotions.

"Ignorant brat!! Who told you to answer back!?" Your father screams kicking you hard in the rib cage. You couch out blood and keep your head down.

"I'm sorry father.." you whisper. Despite sounding like you were going to cry, you actually couldn't. The tears (and your other emotions) had stopped the day your older sister died.

That day was the worst one of your life. When she was still alive your father would train you gently and lightly scold you on table etiquette.

Your mother would full on ignore you, your brother would stare at you before turning his head never really paying much attention to you.

Your older sister was everyone's favorite. Even yours. She would always smile and pat you on the head. When you got wounded from training with your father she would always be there for you to comfort you.

But she died. She was betrayed by her Uchiha friend. The one she always would speak highly of. The one that you could tell was strong.

When your father found her, he completely changed. He was more strict and hard. Your mother tells you to cook and clean half the time while she went out to watch your brother. Your brother won't even spare a glance at you anymore.

Timeskip to when you turn 20

"Oi, what are you doing on my fucking property?" You ask clearly pissed off.

You are now the owner of (L/n) property. The reason being you killed your family. Once you had the power to do so you did it. Without a hesitation. It was so wonderful for you. You remember their sorrowful and angered looks. You remember how they called you a betrayer. You didn't mind of course.

"Are you the rouge Ninja named 'Betrayer'?" A weird looking person asks. He is wearing green armor with a hard, mean looking face.

You roll your eyes and approach the guy. "A Shinobi? Why the hell are you here?" You ask, grabbing a hold of his neck before he could walk away.

"To h..have you j...oin...a vill...age!" He yells loosing breathe.

"Not intrested" you say and choke him to death.

"Well lucky for us we weren't asking" a random voice says from behind you.

You turn around and see a pair of men. Both complete opposites. One of them with brown long hair and a smile. The other with short white hair with a glare.

"What that hell are you both doing here? Shinobi shouldn't be bothering rouges when they aren't doing shit" you say dropping the dead body.

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