Harem Oneshot

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Konoha founders(+Izuna) x Fem!Non-motivated!Smart-ish!Reader
Since I haven't made a chapter like this and the book is coming to a close I have decided to spoil you guys. Enjoy my friends

2nd Person

"[___] is there a reason why you are late?" Your Art teacher asks as you arrive 5 minutes late.

"Nah, I just was stopped by some bullies trying to get to me" you say in a relaxed voice.

He gives you a sigh before marking you tardy. "Luckily you are my favorite student, now go sit down at the green table" He says.

You nod and walk to the green table. You noticed Both Senju and Uchiha brothers sitting there.

You sit between both families and start to try and draw a picture filled with the things you loved. The class together is just 30 minutes but you enjoyed it.

"Hey [___], what are you drawing in your picture?" Hashirama Senju asks.

You look at him with lazy eyes. "I'm drawing books, anime, my phone and headphones" You answer.

"Why don't you add the 4 of us?" Izuna Uchiha asks. Its true you 5 are a closely knit group but you don't love them as much as books or your phone.

"Because you 4 are annoying" You answer. Hashirama and Izuna pout while the other 2 roll their eyes.

"but you know you love us" Madara says with a confident smirk.

"You and Tobiramas quarreling are a pain in my ass, why would I 'love' that?" You ask putting your pen down.

You draw with a pen whenever you feel confident and proud on what you are going to or about to draw.

"Perhaps we can stop fighting if you include us" Tobirama says like the logical asshole that he is.


hey all nod and you just give them an amused face.

"Who are you two and what have you done with the real Tobirama and Madara?" You tease. They both glare at you.

"Alright, fine You can be included..even though I was going to draw you 4" you whisper the last part but it was still very hear able by the literal jocks of the school.

They 4 make a sign on their face to show that they are happy in a sort of way.

"Keep your end of the bargain though" you warn with a serious expression.

They 2 nod and the literal golden retriever of the group hugs you and tightly.

"I loooveee you!" He confesses you nod and try to get back to work but use a pencil.

Izuna glares at the older male and tries to get him off of you.

"Izuna, This is skin ship calm down!" Hashirama/poopy hair says.

You just put away the stuff you were using and look at the clock.

'Only 5 more minutes left...' you think.

They all stay close in your personal space and you feel four lips touching your neck and cheeks.

Instantly you turn red and look at them in confusion. "W-what were you doing?" You question turning even more red in embarrassment.

"Showing that you have 4 new boyfriends" Hashirama says.

"4!?" You whisper yell. Suddenly you start to think what 4 dicks can do-(reader!🤠)-.

Ehm, anyways you just blush and try to hide the new markings.


61 words

Konoha Founders X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now