Weird much? (A Madara Story)

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I plan on making a part 2 so be patient. Also I will soon be entering the extreme case of writers block so there's that. Other than that I will probably be binge reading fanfics either on Quotev, Wattpad or Archive of our own.

Madara x Aloof!Uchiha!Fem!Reader
(Modern-ish Au!)
2nd PoV

"[Name] you need to break up with that 1st year" Your 2nd year sister says.

You give her bored eyes. "You are an Uchiha! Born raised and Proud! You can just kill him!" She yells slamming her hands on the table and standing up. Causing all the 1st and 2nd years to look at her.

"Sorry" She says and sits back down. "But [Name] he is abusing you, fight back" She mumbles leaving you alone.

"How I wish I was a Nara" You mumble rubbing the back of your head.

"Oi, Uchiha get your ass over here" Your 1st year boyfriend says.

You obviously could take him down but your plan to kill him is nearing its fulfillment. Plus you got everything under control considering how good at acting you are.

"Use your Fucking Words Bitch!!" He yells attempting to slap you but the 2nd year 'Bad boy' holds his wrist.

"(RandomDicksName) calm down or else" Madara Uchiha says flaring his sharingan.

(R/d/n) cowers back and glares at you. "You are a disgrace to the Uchiha Clan" He says looking at you.

You give him a slight glare before turning back to a neutral face. "Shame, but it appears to be that I don't care on your Input Madara" You say.

"Bitch! Don't talk to him like that!!! He can kill me!!" (R/d/n) yells. Madara gives him and yourself an amused look.

Your eyes flicker with anticipation. You only kept the 1st year as a pet. You have given him a bit of freedom before deciding to put it down soon.

Obviously all the 3rd years know of this but never told any of the younger years.

"Rule number 1 at this school: Students can control, manipulate or kill anyone they please as long as they don't get caught" Mito  says. Mito is quite a boring person in your grade.

Surprisingly she is dating the most liveliest 2nd year and is a part of the boring student council.
You are also in the student council and is the craziest one there.

You give her a bored look. "It appears the President never told you this when you signed the contract" She continues.

You look over to see all of the 1st years faces starting to pale.

"Rule number 2: After school hours Students can go as wild as they so please while they are on school grounds" Mito finishes.

"[Name] do try to make sure that this boy lives" She says looking over at you with a serious look.

"Hn, can't promise anything Tomato" You say in a mocking tone.

"Class is starting soon, go so you may be early" She says and leaves with her lively boyfriend.

"Hn, oh and (R/d/n) She didn't mean any of that"

'Of course that bitch did, she is so blunt it makes Apple jack feel ashamed'

"Whatever Bitch, go get my stuff" He says.

By then everyone has left for their classes not wanting to be by the student council members any longer.

"Hn, I don't think you will need it anymore" You say with a creepy closed eyed smile.

His eyes widened and soon enough he passes out. You pick out a tiny shot that has incoline in it and put it on his disgusting tongue. Then you kick him to the infirmary.

"I'm afraid he has died by un diagnostic diabetes and a few broken organs and ribs" the Nurse says.

You start to act and start to tear up, "B-but he said he wouldn't die until he graduated so we c-could get married!" You start to wail and fake sob.

"I'm sorry for your lost Madam President" She whispers.

"I-I need to be alone" You whisper. She nods and leaves.

You start to mock a sniffle. 'Lucky for me I glitched the security cameras at exactly noon where I put the incoline in his tongue' You mentally cheer.

"It was fun while it lasted, BuT I win" You whisper the last part before burning his body with ametrasu.

You continue to burn his body until it was nothing but a little tiny speck of dust.

Then you prepare to scream as you create a shadow clone that looks like a killer.

You scream. "[Name]!! What's wrong!?" The nurse yells. You point at your shadow clone and it runs off and off school grounds.

The nurse leaves to tell the principal and the school goes in lockdown.

To be Continued....

806 Words

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