Izuna Oneshot🍋

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Izuna x Fem!Chubby(Akimichi)!Reader
(Modern-ish Au!)

Yall think I'm creative huh? Think again! I'm not doing the NSFW Alphabet on this one. But instead a spicy comfy comfort. Requested (I guess) by: TheSinOfLust- and Uchihas_queen.

Just to tell ya, You're specialty is with a dull sword and Taijutsu. Your sword was gifted to you after all of your bros died. Yes tragic I know.

2nd PoV

"Oi Chubby, why are you? Why cant you work at a fast food restaurant?" (AssholesName) asks.

You don't bother paying attention to him. Instead you just continue to stare off into space.

Since your apart of the Akimichi family you are a bit more....Plump around the waist.

But unlike your older sister who is absolutely ashamed about it you don't care.

Or as Shika(something something) Nara says, "Its too much of a drag.."

"Hey Chubs! Why don't you join your dead brothers so they ca-"

"(AssholesName), Don't you dare finish that sentence!" Teach yells.

"Hey bro, that's going a bit too far..." Uchiha Fugaku whispers.

"So? She is a hog it's good to bring reality to it" (AssholesName) says.

You give him a very fake smile causing the whole room to go cold.

"[Name] Try not to kill him, yeah?" Uchiha Izuna says with a smirk. As he hands you your sword.

"Teach? Are yo-"

"As long as they pass this class I don't care" Sensei says and the bell rings. Signaling the class is over.

"I'm sorry! Hey [Name]! Let's not do this! Chu-[Name] s-stop looking at me like that!" [AssholesName] yells trying to get away from you.

"W-wait you have a dull sword! That means you are-"

You gently hit him on the chest as if you both were fencing.

"You're Out" You say and all of a sudden, Mans falls to the ground and is starting to bleed rapidly.

"Hm, Maybe I should have touched him with my right hand instead, he died almost instantly..." You mumble and shrug.

"[Name], Lets go don't want to be here at dark" Izuna says and holds your hand, leading you past the rooms and hallways.

"Hey Izu, Is it ok at if I'm a little plump? I don't think I look bad" You ask as Izuna and yourself start walking back to your house.

Surprisingly enough, both your parents and Your Older sister are out of town and probably in the U.S.

"[Name], You are amazing, I personally like your plumpness, it makes you even cuter" Your Secret Fiancè says, putting his hand on your squishy cheek.

"Only 1 more years (Yall are on your second to last year of college) until we can live with eachother and start a family" He says with a small smile.

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