Scenario: Your childrens first words

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"Hashirama? Aren't you supposed to be at the tower right no-"

"Mama" Itama mumbles lifting her arms up to you.

"Aw! Itama said her first word!" You squel picking up your baby and playing with her in the air.

"Ha! Suck it Hashirama!" You yell at your Sulking husband.



You turn your head at the sudden squeaky voice only to see your 4 month old child staring at you with attention wanting eyes.

"Yes?" You ask looking at the baby.

"Oi!" (S/n) screams crawling towards you at a quickish speed.

He headbutted your leg and gives you a face that screams 'I want Attention!'.

You sigh at the high maintenance child and pick up the baby. "And Love says you act like me..." You mumble as your baby starts to play with your hand.


"Tsuyoi, Behave" Tobirama orders the 4 month old male.


"Tobira...What did you do?" You ask your wonderful husband. He gives you an annoyed stare and looks at the kid he is carrying like a dog in the air.

"Nu" Tsuyoi repeats while pointing at Tobira.

Tobirama stares at the child and gives it a bit of a glare. "Nu!!!" Tsuyoi screams and hits Tobirama the best he can as a baby.
You burst out laughing...


"(Name)...You are scaring (D/n)" Izuna tells you as you just stare at (D/n).

"P-papa" (D/n) whimpers out.

"Man...Fuck me sideways..." You curse under your breathe. You were told by Tobirama and Madara to stop cursing in front of the kid but it is just way to hard for someone who curses like a sailor.

"(D/n)...Don't ya love Mama(or whatever you identify as) too?" You ask as you drop a bit of your weight on top of the 4 month old baby.

"W-waaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" (D/n) cries as she starts to fail her arms and legs around.

Izuna shoves you off of (D/n) and cradles her.

"I know I did not just go through hell's worth of pain just for that brat to like you more" You complain.

Izuna chuckles and gives you a kiss.

Another chapter since you guys probably finished the 3 I published earlier! Thank you for reading! Have a good day/Night!

384 Words

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