Scenario: Your kid gets in a relationship

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The kids are 15 now <3

"Kaa-chan, can You bring Tou-san here?" Itama asks looking very nervous. You are currently reading a book with..spicy stuff in it.

"Hm? Okay honey" You answer. Getting up and closing the book with intresting contents.

You call Hashirama and he walks out of your shared room and sits right beside you whispering about how he hates doing paperwork.

You notice Itama bring in a boy with raven hair and a lazy face.

"Kaa-chan and Tou-san boyfriend, Taida Nara" Itama introduces putting her hands in front the boy. Hashiramas face turns blank and you smile.

"It is nice to meet you Taida-san" you say with a kind bow.

"It is nice to meet you too Senju-San" he says in a kind voice.

Hashirama walks away and into a corner with depressed air around him.

"Ah I did something.." Taida whispers looking down and depressed as well.

"Oh my" You laugh and pat him on the head.

"Don't be sour about this, its normal dear" You say comforting the teen.

He nods and he walks over to Hashirama and tries to comfort the older man.

Within 5 minutes they both are playing Shogi while laughing and smiling.

"So you like the sweet heart type hm?" You tease Itama. She 'hmphs' and turns away.


"Tou-sans This is my Girlfriend, Chosha Aburame" (S/n) says, shooting a perverted look at a literal wall.

"I knew you were lonely but not this lonely" Madara comments with a smirk.

You smile awkwardly and try to grab the scroll (S/n) took from you. But he just moves it away from you.

"Chosha stop hiding" (S/n) grumbles.

Suddenly a brunette comes jumping in smiling brightly and laughing.

'Its a girl version of Hashirama' You and Madara think at the same time.

"Hi! My Name is Chosha! I can control bugs!" The energetic girl says with a huge smile that competes with Hashiramas smile and the sun.

"Of all the types of people you could have dated it had to be a girl like this?" Madara asks is a deadpany voice. (S/n) glares at him hard.

"I'm guessing the kind trait my darling got was from this lovely person" Chosha says grabbing your hand and shaking it violently.

"I reaaaalllyyy like (S/n)!!! I want to spend a tooonn of time with you and I guess him" She says hugging you tightly.

Madara glares at the girl and (S/n) glares at you.

"I apologize for my husband, he is a serious man" You say with a small smile. She laughs and nods.


"Kaa-chan, Tou-san come with me" Tsuyoi orders.

You look towards Tobirama and he shrugs. You both follow your bossy son and he leads you to a willow tree where a girl with dark brown hair that covers her eyes and a thick-ish body is.

"You two, meet Shai Akimichi" Tsuyoi says with a small smile.

She timidly walks up to you and shakes both Yours and Tobiramas hand.

"It is a p-please to meet you both" she whispers with a bow.

"The pleasure is ours" You say.

Tobirama nods and stares holes into the poor girl.

"She is going to be your future daughter-in-law so be nice" Tsuyoi says with a smirk.

Shai turns a bright red and turns away from the both of you.

"It was lovely meeting you, would you like to come with us for dinner?" Tobirama asks in neutral tone.

"Ah, I'm sorry I haven't asked my family if its okay to go to anothers h-house" Shai answers with a small bow.

Tobiramas lips slightly lify up and looks at Tsuyoi in approval.


"Who the hell are you?" You ask with a glare as yo upstate down a punk looking boy with red hair.

"Nah, who the fuck are you hag?" He says with the same fire.

"Oh! Hokori! You are earlier than expected!" (D/n) says grabbing you and signaling you to calm down.

"(D/n) who the hell is this asshole?" You ask as you glare at the boy.

"Kaa-chan! I will explain soon! I will get Tou-san go to the living room!" (D/n) says raising her voice at you.

You glare at both brats but walk to the living room. 'Hokori' sits far away from you and the air becomes tense.

"(D/n)? Is that your boyfriend?" Izuna asks as he sits down right next to you.

"Names Hokori Uzumaki dad" The brat says.

You stand up to leave. No way are you going to witness this interaction. Neither will you want to witness an Uzumaki asshole try and get it good with you and Izuna.

"Kaa-chan?" (D/n) whispers.

"this son of a bitch WILL leave my house" You say and walk to your room.

"Tell me Hoki-whats your name, are your parents Yokubo and Senba?" You ask flashing your Byakugon at him.

The boy glares at you and nods.

"Why should I let my Daughter marry a boy whos parents tried to kill me?" You ask with a laugh.

Izunas eyes widen and he tries to process what is happening.

"Wait, You are (Name) Hyuuga!?" The boy yells.

He instantly falls to the ground and bows. You look down at him unamused.

"I'm sorry for calling you names, and I apologize for my stupid parents and their decisions, I promise you they were removed from the clan" he says.

You look at Izuna and he nods. Then at (D/n) and she looks ready to cry.

"Stupid brat, get up" You say. He does so and you see him with humiliated eyes.

"But I promise you, I WILL be with (D/n) rather you like it or not" he says.

"You hurt her and I'll make sure the same thing happens to you as it did your parents" You say and leave the room.


You hear laughter and smile before walking up the wall to go to the roof.

I'm sorry if this is late. Also You are so bad ass in Izunas scenarios I just love it. Also for the picture up on top it could be any gender. Yeah! So hope you enjoyed!

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