Hashirama Oneshot!

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Kid!Hashirama x Sensei! Overwork!Fem!Reader
(Naruto Au)

(F/n)-Chans PoV!

'This is my team? Oh boy! The one with brown hair is the last few Senjus, the second one is an albino, and the 3rd one it The Uchiha Heir' I mentally deadpanned.

"Okay, introduce yourself" I say.

"What do we say Peasant?" Uchiha spat.

I looked at him blankly.

"Hm, let's see, say your Name, Hobbies, dreams, for an Example, I am (F/n) Namikaze, I am 15 years old and I like reading and Cooking, I don't really have a Dream" I say.

"Pretty simple, you on the left go" I say again.

"I'm Hashirama Senju! My hobbies are skipping stones on the river and training! My dream is to become the 5th Hokage!" He yells.

"You in the Middle"

"Senju Tobirama, My hobbies are Writing and creating new Jutsus, I don't have a dream, I have an Ambition and it is to be the Hokages right hand" He says. I give him a blank stare and nod, then I look at Uchiha.

"Madara, I like training and I will compete for Hokage" He says.

I nod. "Intresting, I will see you all tomorrow at 5 am in the morning on the dot" I say. They all disperse.

"This is the worst, I wonder how Kakashi is holding up though!" I laugh.

"The mission was horrible! The team wouldn'tstop complaining about how young I am!! I'm only 14!" Kakashi says.

I laugh.

"You know you could still be in the Anbu right? Why are you babysitting kids that are 3 years Younger?" Kakashi asks.

"Eh? Aren't you like 14 or something? I take care of you just fine! In all honesty, I don't know, but being strong and all high and mighty is boring and hard" I say.

"You're lucky you are related to Minato-Sensei! I would have kicked you out if you weren't" Bakashi yells.

"Shut up squirt! You are the one living with me!" I say.

"Shut up! At least I'm not an Uncle that needs to take care of a child!" He yells back.

"Shoot, Naruto! Is he okay?" I ask.

Baka nods and goes back to eating.

"I asked the Hokage if I can have might missions so I can take care of Naruto while you are out training your team, he said yes" Baka says. I sigh with relief.

"Thanks Squirt, time for bed okay? I'll be up there in a sec" I say.

He nods and goes to his room. "Minato why'd you give me your brat to take care of?" I mumble.

The next day

"Sensei is late!! Where is she!!??!?!?" I hear.

'Okay, maybe I'm a little late, but it's only 10...oh wait that is late' I thought to myself.

"Yo, I'm here" I say. They all glare at me.

After the bell test

"Hm, Dismissed" I say. They all leave but I follow Hashirama.

'He seems to be going to the river, wait what are villagers doing? Shit they are going to hit him!' I mentally yell.

Before this kid could get back handed I grab the arm and tighten my grip on the arm.

"What do you think you are doing?" I ask.

They all look shocked at me.

"Why you!! Do you want to get beaten up too?!" An older woman asks/yells.

"Hashirama, Let's go" I tell him. He doesn't move, nor does he look at me.

"Well I oughta!!" I pick Hashirama up bridal style and jump Roof to roof. eventually we get to his house.


"(F/n) I want you to look after Hashirama Senju, he is special and has been getting hurt. His brother will be alright, I have already assigned another Jonin to look after him" lord 3rd says.

I nod.

End of flashback

"It looks like he passed out" I mumble. I start to patch up his wounds.

He soon wakes up startled as ever.

"What are you doing sensei?" He asks.

"Jeez, not even a thank you? How cruel" I mumble.

"Where is my brother?" He asks.

"Sleeping" I respond blankly.

"Why did you..?"

"Because I wanted to"

"I never asked you to!" He yells. He starts to tear up.

"You know, I've learned that you should cry as much as you want it helps" I say.

He starts to sob.

"Sensei, Will you stay with me when A become Hokage?" He mumbles as he starts to fall asleep.

"Sure thing, now sleep"

'This happened quite a lot, I ended up saving him from the villagers and ended up being his 'best Sensei Friend Ever'

"Oi, Naruto behave okay? Be good at the academy and Kakashi will pick you up" I say to my nephew.

"Yes Aunt (F/n)"

"Good, see you tonight" I say ruffling his hair.

I Hirishaned to Hashiramas room window and knock on it.

"Hashirama, I have to do a Mission it will be one that could be long or short, the team will have a new sensei in my place okay?" I tell him.

'Its been 2 years and Madara has left to get stronger and The brothers have gained a new teammate 2 years ago her name is Mito and and they have become Chuunin rather quicklym they both have become rather handsome and Tobi obviously has a crush on Mito'

"Okay, stay safe, I need to tell you something when you come back" he says. I smile and nod.

"Alright" I say and Hirishaned to the gate.

*When you come back*

"Kakashi, are you sure you want to become a Anbu captain?" I ask. He nods.

"Wait, what's that Chakra?" I ask.

"I'll go check on Naruto" Kaakshi says and I nod.

"I heard that brat went into the forest, the Senju brat probably is going to get mauled alive" one of the 20 year olds says.


With Hashirama

"(F/n)....Help p-please" He mumbles.

He is hiding from a huge chakra eating wolf.

'Remember when you get lost just flare your chakra and I will come for you' he remembers.

He hesitantly glares his chakra and you feel it.

"Hashirama!" I yell.

"You okay? What did I tell you about leaving without your teammates?" I mumble hugging the male.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't feel me and I... I'm sorry!! Its okay if you don't want to love me!!" He bawled.

"Idiot, I love you too. Let's go so you don't freeze out here" I say.

He happily nods and I carry him to his house, where I see an upset Tobirama and Mito.

"Yo" I mumble and enter the house and Put him down.

"Sensei, is it considered Pedo-"

"No, its not because I'm older than him by 3 years" I say and leave.

'I almost died! These Senjus are scary!!'

Sorry it's so long! I wanted to make it shorter but I didn't know how!

1,156 Words

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