Madara Oneshot🍋

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Dom!Madara x Sub!Male!Reader
Requested by:fffboil. Yeah the whole chapter is about Madara getting that Gawk Gawk 9000. Sorry for not making this chapter sooner or longer😓.
Enjoy My friends.

2nd PoV

"Hokage-sama, why are we going to the Uchiha Compound?" You ask confused.

Hashirama stays quite only pulling you by your hand. He had randomly summon you and told you to follow him.

Of course since he is Hokage you obliged and he had red smooth peices of long rope with him as well.

You two reach the part where Madara resides and he turns to you with a mischievous look on his face.

"What are you doing Hokage-sama?" You ask, wondering why the hell are you in the house of a person who rivals the God of Shinobi.

"[___] sit down on the floor" Hashirama demands.

You nod and kneel on the floor respectively. Hashirama goes behind you and ties your arms up with a peice of the rope. Instantly you start to get nervous.

"Hokage-sama? What are you doing-Ah! I can't see!" You cut yourself off as he covers your eyes.

"Calm down [___], today is Madaras birthday and you are my present to him" Hashirama explains.

You slowly start to get hard but ignore the feeling. "Ah, he is coming, got to go [___]! See you!" Hashirama says rushing out of the door you both came in.

You feel Madaras chakra right outside the other door and start to get even more nervous.

"[___], what are you doing in my home?" Madara asks in a dark voice.

'Thats hot!' You mentally yell.

"H-Hokage-sama told me to come with him here but he ran away" you unconsciously stutter.

"Hn, why would he tie a pretty little thing like you up in a place like this?~" Madara whispers in your ear. You blush and close your eyes through the blindfold.

"He said that I am h-his gift to you" You mutter embarrassed.

Madara chuckles and he takes the blindfold off and you see his smirk.

"Gift? Fine show me how well you can do my gift~" He says sitting down and unzipping his pants thing revealing a very hard Pp.


You scoot closer to him and start to teasingly lick the top of his Pp. He rolls his head back and groans. You decide to hum as you take him in.

"Ah~" Madara moans quietly.

You start to bob your head deep throating his large pp.

"Hashirama gave me a..perfect gift~" Madara says through breaths.

You hum some more before feeling his cum shoot into your throat. You gag and almost spit it out.

"Swallow it" Madara orders. You slowly nod and swallow the bitter child potion.

You stick your tongue out as a sign that you swallowed the semen. Madara brings himself down and kisses you passionately  on the lips.


"I want you to stay with me [___]~" he whispers in your ear.

You nod while catching your breathe.

"Good, I like to see you cooperate so well~" he says with a smirk. You blush and cuddle his leg.


530 Words

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