Pt.2 Tobirama🍋

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Tsundere?Tobirama x Uchiha!Pervert!Top!Reader
(Modern Au)

Requested by: 199824maeg. Since yall wanted a part 2 here you go!


I'm not typing it so just read the chapter thing.

2nd PoV

"Kyaaaaa!!! (Y/n)!!!!! Be my Spouse!!!!" Another fangirl screams.

"No thanks, I'm good" You say as you start to walk away.

"Come on (Y/n), I can be your little hare~" A guy says pushing you against a locker.

"I'm not into that kinda stuff, sorry bud" You say and push him off.

"Hey Tobi~ I was wondering if you can be mine?~ Since valentine's day is today maybe we ca-" You notice where his hands are traveling down your beloved and decide to cut the 2nd year off.

"Hey there, I know he is amazing, beautiful and so out of your league but Look with your eyes not your hands k? Anyways it is a no, Now run along before I do something bad" You say as you grab his wrist tightly.

His face drops into a scowl and he glares at you.

"And? Last I checked he isn't an object you man whore! You are probably just using hi-"

"Choose wisely what your next word will be kid, I would hate if someone I don't know...Released some juicy information on you and your family" You say with a bone chilling smile.

His eyes widen and he turns to the very shocked Tobirama. "Y-your Boyfriend/Girlfriend is crazy!! Wh-"

"Run along brat" Black Zetsu says as he enters the hallway.

"Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" The 2nd year screams.

"(Y/n) you should really stop getting into trouble like that.." White Zetsu says following his twin.

"I try you know, but I have to make sure that Tobi stays pure so I can have all of him instead of half of him"

"You idiot! You can get suspended for assaulting a student!" Tobirama says and bonks you on the head.

"Ow, Tobi~ That hurt!" You whine holding your head.

"Hmph, also why are you friends with student council members?" Tobirama asks.

"Hm? Oh Both Zetsus are close friends of mine"

"Just close friends (Y/n)? I'm hurt, that's not right. Treating the only friends you have had since we were kids like that" White Zetsu says rapping his arms around your shoulders.

You sigh and pat his head as an apology. Little did you know that Tobirama was practically glaring swords at the pale twin.

"So you are jealous huh?" Black Zetsu asks.

Tobirama turns to him and again starts to glare swords.

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