Tobirama Oneshot 🍋

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Tobirama x Namikaze!Fem!Reader
Requested by:199824maeg. Thank you for requesting! For some context Minato is the head of the Namikaze clan and your dad.
This is an Au where Minato is in the war era! Lemon.

Your PoV

"We are moving to Konoha, we have been invited by the Hokage" Pa says.

"But there are rumors that the Senjus and Uchihas are still at war!" Kenji-kun (One of the war generals) yell.

"Does it matter? We will just leave if there is unnecessary fighting" I deadpan.

"But clan heiress! What's the point in leaving the land our ancestors lived in just to come back?!"

"Do NOT raise your voice at Heiress-chan Kenji, We have already went over this, Know your place" Elder Fuji says.

"Minato-Sama and I have already went through the invitation and decided it was wise to seek the Senjus and Uchihas protection" Elder Fuji says.

"We should do a voting then! See who really wants to go!" Kenji exclaims.

"I hate it here" Kenji complains as the rest of the clan arrives to our new compound and area in Konoha.

"Shut up" Elder Fuji says and walks off to Kami knows where.

"[Name] why don't you go explore? But be back at sun down" Pa says.

"But P-"

"You have been a good girl so far, you deserve a bit of freedom" Pa says and pats my head lovingly.

"Oh and give these as peace offerings to the Senju brothers and Uchiha brothers" He says and gives me a huge basket.

"Right okay Pa, see ya soon!" I say and walk off.

'Jeez why didn't he just give these to them himself? Oh wait he is socially awkward' I deadpan.

I end up walking straight into the Senju area and they all glared at me.

"Hn, what's a Namikaze doing in the Senju clan area?" A voice asks.

I turn around and see a dude with white hair and red eyes.

"Yo, Senju Tobirama right? Peace offerings from the Namikaze clan?" I ask and hand him one of Granny Ren's famous cookies. He gives it and me a hard glare.

'Don't facepalm, it'll ruin my first impression and the peace between clans!' I yell at myself.

I sigh and take a bite out of a cookie to show it's not poisonous.

Tobirama hesitantly takes the cookie and gives it a little nibble.

'Damn so cautious...' I deadpan.

Tobis PoV

"You can take a break Tobirama, I can work on the leftover paper work, go get some fresh air" Anija says.

"But you might fall asl-"

"You have no faith in me...." Anija sulks.

"But go! Shoo! You haven't seen day light since I invited the Namikaze clan to come! That was a months ago!" Anija yells.

"Fine..." I mumble and Hirishan away.

'Might as well walk back to the compound'

•End Of Flashback•

'A new feels so sweet and loving, it also has a feeling of a camp fire, Definitely not an Uchiha' I take note.

I follow the chakra and it leads me to a (h/c) lady.

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