Scenario: when they are feeling Clingy

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"Mito! Your killing me here!" You say. Currently you just met up with one of your Old friend Mito, and she tackled you to the ground.

"(F/n) is Mine Mito!!!" Hashi yells and pushes Mito off of you. "They were my friend first Hashirama!!"

The 2 of them glare at eachother. and you are now in the middle while they play tug of war with your arms.

You sigh and feel like your arms are ripping off.

"T-that hurts you know?" You say and they immediately let go of you and you hide away behind your short Mum.

"They are scary" You mumble. She smiles at you and walks away.


Currently Madara is hugging you to near suffocation but you gladly took the sign of love from him.

"Love, My brothers invited us over for dinner and want us to stay a night over there, is that alright?" You ask your Uchiha. "Yeah, sure I guess" he mumbles, practically purring.

You smile at him and start to stroke his head and play with his long black locks of hair.


"Tobi? Did something happen?" You ask.

Currently you are trying to make a new medicine to cure indigestion problems. Or that was until Tobirama came out of nowhere and gave you a hug from behind.

"No dear, just let me continue hugging you" Tobirama said. You nod and turn around to hug him better.

"Alright" You say.


"IZUNNAAAAA!!!! Let me Gooooo!!!" You yell.

Izuna was having trouble with doing something then he saw you and decided to cling to you until he fell asleep.

"Noooo! Just carry me to bed and give me all your love and Affection!" He yells. You pout at this but do as he says and drag him to bed. Not minding how many times he yelled 'Bloody Murderer!'

After that Joy ride you throw him on your bed like a doll and he lands with a 'oof'.

You go in bed with him and cuddle him till he falls asleep.

Jello! Hope you enjoyed a Tired Madara, a Clingy Izuna, a sad Tobirama and a Jealous Hashirama!

359 words~

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