Izuna Oneshot!

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Bottom!Izuna x Lazy!Nara!Male!Reader

Your PoV

"Nii-san!! Papa's calling you!" Imoto said. "Coming, coming" I mumble.

"Father" I greeted.

"(Name), Izuna-San and Madara-San has come" Father says.

I look at the 2 Uchihas next to father.

"Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Izuna" I greet.

They both nod their head in unison.

"Alright" I ask Father.

"(Name)! Its been so long!~ How are ya?~" Izuna says.

"You idiot" Madara says.

I make eye contact with Madara and he nods.

"I see, I'll be out then" I say. Father nods.

"Nice seeing you" I say to Madara.

Izuna's PoV

"Go follow him Ototo" Nii-San says.

I smile. "Okay"

After a couple of hours of Searching

"Where is he?! He already missed dinner!" I yell in frustration.

Yes Madara and I stayed for dinner. Then the Nara head asked me to look for his son.

"Is that snoring?" I ask myself. I follow the sound and there I see a dreamy looking (Name) Fast asleep on a tree root.

"So Cute~" I whisper. Literally forgetting the fit I threw a couple minutes ago.

"How is someone so dreamy and Handsome single?" I mumble touching his soft, dark, (H/c) hair.

"I don't have the guts to tell you this when you are awake so I love you, I love you so much that I want to steal kisses from you" I say.

"Hm, is that so? I wouldn't mind" I jump at his sleepy, seductive morning voice.

"Y-you heard?!" I yell. Clearly my face is turning red.

"Hm, yeah but don't worry I also love you" He says.

"Give me a kiss then, right here!" I yell, pointing at my lips. He chuckles and brings his face towards mine.

Slowly he puts his lips on mine and passionately kisses me.

I, of course kiss back. His soft, tasty lips pull away all too soon, leaving me wanting more.

"You are so needy, but Sadly I won't go any further due to the fact that we are in the forest and it is just the beginning of our relationship" He says.

I pout but nod, cuddling into his chest.

"You are so handsome, I'm surprised no one wants you" I say.

"Hm, same to you" He mumbles.

I end up falling asleep on his smooth, soft Chest.

"Good night Izu" he says, before I fall asleep.

Yeah, I think I put to much detail in this one. But that's okay because I am perfectly fine with falling in love with this Nara because he gives me top vibes. Anyways hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter!

439 Words

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