Scenario: The Time after the Fight

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Hashirama (Your PoV)

'Did I cause this? I don't think I did, maybe he is feeling stressed at work'

"Is it raining?" I whisper.

"Hm, I don't feel like going back there anytime soon so I should go find Ma" I mumble.

"Hey Ma, can I come in?" I ask my beautiful Mom.

"Honey, what are you doing outside? It's raining you can catch a cold" Ma says.

I smile at her and she let's me in.

"Thank you, I was outside because I didn't want to be in my house" I say.

She frowns, "Did you and Hokage-Sama have a fight?" Ma asks.

I nod and she brings me in for a hug. I gladly hug back and sob into her shoulder.

"He, H-he called me a s-servant!" I wail, as I hug Ma tighter.

"Shh, it's okay, let's talk after you calm down, okay?" She says as she pats my head.

I nod and I start to calm down.
"Okay dear, What did Hokage-Sama say exactly?" She asks.

"He called me a Servant, that I am clingy, and I am only good for doing house chores" I say.

She sighs and smiles. "You can stay here for a bit okay? But you will need to help me!" She says with a smile.

I nod and smile a bit. 'Gosh I love you ma'

Madara (Your PoV)

I Hirishaned to The Hokages Tower.

"do you know where my brothers are?" I ask one of the Uchiha officers.

He nods and points at the Hokages room.

"I see, thank you" I say with a polite bow.

He nods and continues with his shift.

I knock on the door and Tobi opens the door.

"Elder Sibling? What are you doing here? Are you here to spend time with us?" Tobi asks.

'I can heard the excitement he tried to hide, Tobi-chan is so adorable!'

I nod and smile at him. He let's me in and I see a stressed out Hashi.

"Hashi, do you need help?" I ask my younger sibling.

He looks up and his face brightens up by a lot.

"Elder Sibling!! I missed you!" He yells and tackles me to the ground.

"(___), why is your chakra level low?" Tobi asks.

"I trained with Madara and he almost killed me" I say, rather bluntly.

"I'll kill him!" Both of my younger siblings yell.

"Please Don't"

Tobirama (his PoV)

'That idiot! Always risking their life for someone else! Why can't they be more selfish?! Why cant they think about me?!' I mentally scream.

I Hirishaned to our shared house.

It's been quiet ever since (Y/n) worked on that stupid patient.

I miss their laughter, their smile.
Why am I so miserable?

I regret storming out but how can I apologize if I can not swallow my pride?

'I should go ask Ototo' I thought.

Izuna (Your PoV)

I need to get out of this death trap! I need to go somewhere that's not so crowded!

Crying is a state of weakness. Love is another state of weakness, it leaves you in tears. It makes you a vulnerable target. It makes you weaker then you are.

'Why do I need to remember these words now!? Of all times!?' I mentally scream

"Finally, I'm alone" I mumble as I walk in a forest.

"I'm such an idiot, how was I supposed to think I could find love when there is hate? I am so retarded" I mumble as I continue to walk down the dirt path.

"I'll just find the old tree house I built, I can stay the night there. Not like I grew like those idiots" I mumble.

I think you might be confused about your personality in Izunas scenarios. So if you are basically you hate adults and you love hanging out with children. You tend to swear when you feel like you did or are doing something wrong.
Hopefully that cleared some stuff up! And hope you enjoyed this chapter!

671 words

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