Indra Oneshot

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Nicer?Indra x Sad!Liar!Fem!Reader
(Modern Au)

2nd Person

Being the Liar if the school had ups and downs. The Ups being that you can tell stories and people will laugh at either the stories or you. (You never really cared). The downs being that whenever you try to tell people your sad, angry or depressed no one would believe you, so you naturally laughed it off.

Eventually you gave up trying to tell people your feelings and you just continued to make up stories.

"(Y/n)! How dare you lie to me!!!" Your Teacher scolds. You just look at her with complete confusion.

She had asked you how you feel and you naturally said angry with a smile on your face.

'My grades are going down...I think I might need to be more serious...Who am I kidding no one takes me seriously' You deadpanned.

"You are also failing almost every class except art! You will get a tutor later today!!" Your english teacher says in front of the class.

'Did she really need to say that in front of everyone?' You deadpanned.

"Uh-huh, sorry" You mumble and start to copy the notes on the board. But that h03 decided to erase it. You cursed quietly.

After school

'Teach said at the library' You remind yourself.

When you enter the room you immediately notice the little amount of living beings.

Then you noticed the popular new kid looking at you.

"(Y/n) right?" He asks. You put on a smile. "No~, I am a plant!" You say with a laugh.

"(Y/n), shut up and sit down" he said. You smile nervously but do as you are told.

"Wait, your name is Indra right?" You ask. "Hn"

Eventually he starts explaining the current math, English, history, science topics and you start to fall asleep.

"If you are going to fall asleep go home" he says. You nod and stumble to stand up. But he catches you before you fall.

"Sorry, thanks for doing this" You mumble. He glares at you and puts your arm over his shoulder.

He walks you to your lonely home and leaves.

This happened frequently but you did end up with better grades. You also ended up with a crush on said man.

You 2 also became the bestest of friends. He told you how he felt about things. But when he asked you how you feel about certain other things such as 'where are your parents' or 'Why do you continue to lie' you would avoid answering.

"(Y/n)! Stop being so damn secretive and answer my questions!" He yells as he slams his hands on both sides of your head.

You blushed a bit but put on a fake smile. "But it's not important, why would you want to know silly things?"

"We have known eachother for the past 3 years! And you have avoided my questions all this time!" He counters.

You sigh but nod. "But will you believe me? Or will you leave me just like my parents?" You whisper the last part. But sadly he heard it.

"Your Parents left you?" He asks. Your eyes widened and you start to shake your head. "N-no! I was just lying! Hahaha! I gotcha!" You lie.

He stares blankly at you before hugging you. "Tell me the truth (Y/n)" he demands.

You hug back and tears start to fall. "I'm sorry, it's just I have abandonment issues and my brother says I'm depressed and a people pleaser it's just I-, I don't know anymore! I'm sorry I shou-"

You get cut off by a kiss on the lips. You eyes widened but you kiss back after a couple of seconds.

"You will be okay now, I can help but I need to know something else," Indra says. "Do you like me?" He asks. You immediately nod your head and give him a nice bright smile.

"Good, Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. You give him a kiss in response and you can feel him smirk.

"Good, now let's take you home my little bird~" He laughs at your pink-ish face and you looks away flustered.

I have finished this requested chapter! Yay, uhm so yeah if you want to request others who are not the Konoha Founders you can request them but they can only be around Lord 3rds time. Iwaizumihajime2008

736 Words

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