Madara Oneshot🍋

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Yandere!king!Madara x Queen!Blunt!Fem!Reader
(Fantasy Au!)
Requested by: fffboil. I like the fantasy aus. Plus imagine a Yandere!King Madara. Thats hot. Also there is a smut at the end. So yeah, enjoy.

2nd PoV

"Your highness! There is a man who wants to speak with you!" A soldier says entering the throne room.

You look at him with the most bored face. You are dressed in(whatever you wanna wear but preferably something fancy).

The outfit itself is quite expensive but you enjoy wearing it. Although you would enjoy the clothing the villagers in your kingdom weared, your husband forbid it saying that 'you are a queen, don't level yourself with them' phrase.

Your husband is Madara Uchiha, king of the Uchiha lands. You are the ruler of Kowai. A kingdom you founded yourself. The Uzumaki, Hyuuga, Ogata and Hatake clans are some of the biggest clans in the kingdoms.

You, yourself is also from the Ogata clan. "Bring them in, also bring my husband please" You say while resting your head in your palm making you look hot-.

"Yes ma'am" The soldier says bowing down and leaving.

"I'm kinda hungry.." You mumble to yourself.

"You called my sun?" You hear from your side.

"Yes, there's a person who wants to talk to me and I want to spend time with you later" You say with a small smile.

He nods and sits down on the throne to your left. As he sits down a tall, brown haired, knight looking man entered. You give Madara a side glance and notice that his eyes are glaring at the man.

"Your Majesty, Your highness" the man says with a small bow.

You both nod as a greeting. "I would like to talk to her highness about Concubines(side men or women), I want to be your concubine Queen [F/n]" the man says with lust desired eyes.

You scoff, "no" you answer completely annoyed. The man had decided to go through all the trouble to get your full attention just to say that.

"Please! I will make you feel good!" The man pleads.

"Do NOT raise your voice at MY Queen!" Madara warns standing up.

"She is not an object!" The man says approaching Madara with a sword.

"Your Majesty!" The Uchiha soldiers, Shisui and Obito yell getting in front of Madara.

"Enough, this conversation is over" You say getting up clearly more annoyed.

"Shisui, Obito be good boys and take him away" You say with a smirk.

They're eyes brighten at the nickname and they immediately throw the man out of the palace window.

"Tch" Madara mumbles something under his breathe but you couldn't care.

"Good, I'm hungry lets go" You say looking at Madara just standing there. "Are you coming darling?" You ask stopping at the door.

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