Scenario: When you are feeling Clingy

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It is a normal day. Birds are singing. Hashirama is sulking because of Paperwork. Citizens are working to help Konoha strive.

You, however want some love because you are feeling lonely and have nothing to do.

So when you sensed tiny bits of Hashiramas Chakra coming toward you. You of course ran at it and literally hugged his upper body.

"(F/n)!!! I missed you too!!!" He yells happily, and he hugs you back.


You actually decided to take a break from work. So you got up and walked to the Uchiha Compound.

You might think that the Uchihas sent death glares at you but none of them did.

Surprisingly, they remember that you were never on the battlefield. Instead you helped the Senjus and Uchihas a like to help them heal and get better. So they all smiled at you waved, even some wanted you to go to their shop for tea.

"Ah, No thank you, I'm actually looking for Madara-Sama" You say to a kind elderly woman. She smiles sweetly at you and nods.

"Alright dear, Madara-sama should be in his house with Izuna, I think they just came back from a Mission" She says, sweetly.

"I see, Thank you Mrs. Ashido" You say and Bow politely. She giggles and pats your back going back to sweeping her stores floor.

*When you are is Madaras House

"Izuna, how are you?" You ask. He looks up at you and pouts, immediately he runs to you and hugs one of your legs.

"(___)!!! Mada is being a Meanie!!" He yells. You smile and pat his head lovingly.

"How can a Angel like you be a Mean Senju?!" He asks again. You pat his head again in comfort. "My Brother should propose to you already! I want you to be a Uchiha!" He yells.

Madara comes outta no where and attacks Izuna. They start to have a kitty fight.

"Madara, Can you..." You start but you kind of feel embarrassed to continue. He turns to you and he gives you a face that practically says, 'go on'.

"Can you G-give me a hug...?" You ask. You aren't like Tobirama or Hashirama that can just ask without a doubt.

"Hn" he answers and he goes over to you and gives you a hug and a head pat.

Izuna pouts and leaves. He doesn't like the thought of him being the 3rd wheel.


"Dear!" You call from the kitchen. In all honesty, you feel like a mom. You dislike the thought but you don't mind having Tobiramas kids. (Nasty fuqs not like that!)

"Come close" You say.
"Okay, what is it?" He asks. He was trying to come up with a new Jutsu or at least before you called him.

You kiss his cheek, head, chin, neck, and his knuckles. Then you give him a hug. He blushes madly and avoids all eye contact with you.

"I love you~" You say. And continue to do the actions to the flustered Snow bunny.


"Izunnnaaaa!!!! Show me Loooovvvvveeeee!!!!!!" You whine. He ignores you and does...something that you don't care about.

"Not now, (Name)" He mumbles. You pout. It was one of those days when Izuna was busy and you wanted to bother him. But right now you just want to feel better about today.

Earlier today you had an argument with your dad, the head of the Hyuuga clan. Which ended up with you hitting all of his chakra points, and knocking him out.

"(Name), go to bed if you are tired" Izuna's Bipolar a*s said. You pout at this.

"To bad" You say and literally sit on his lap and snuggle into his chest. You fall asleep there.

Lmao, Sorry if Izuna is out of character! I just wanted to put him in a stressed or busy attitude. And you in Madaras Scenario is a fancy cinnamon roll. Bye-Bye!

658 Words!

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