Tobirama and Madara Oneshot🍋

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Tobirama x Hyuuga!fem!Reader x Madara

Requested by: Tobi_Mada. Just to tell you this is a longer Oneshot so enjoy. There is going to be a period when you 3 are kids and I'll signal when the time has changed!

TW: POLY RELATIONSHIP (if you don't like it then don't read!) Swearing, And a lemon at the end.

2nd PoV (when yall is kids)

"[F/n] stay away from Uchihas and Senjus" Your Father tells you.

You give a curt nod and wait for your younger brother to get ready.

Your brother has been sick ever since he were born which was when you turned 3.

"Ototo, are you ready?" You ask. He gives you a small smile and he takes a hold of your hand.

"Ototo, do you think the Uchihas and Senjus will stop fighting?" You ask as you both walk on the dirt path that leads to the stream.

"Ane-chan I had a vision, that the 2 clans will become friends and bring peace upon the land, but the King and the Prince will want the same Queen and ultimately use her as a peace keeper" Your bro says.

"I wonder who is the Que-"

"Did you hear that? It sounded like people!" A voice says from the forest.

Immediately you bring out a kunai infested with poisonous things.

"Ane-chan let's go, If we pick a fight we will surely lose" Your Bro says.

You furrow your eyebrows but nod, your grip on your brothers hand tightening.

"Wait, other chakra signatures..." You whisper as you pick up your tiny 6 year old brother.

"Hashirama! You stupid in the head or something! Don't say stuff like that!" You hear.

You jump into a tree branch and 'gently' knock your brother out. There you see a raven haired boy with a brunette.


"Hey, it's not cool spying on people" The Senju says from behind you.

Immediately you swing your kunai at him but he dodges.

You carry your brother down from the tree and you give a glare at the 2.

"What are you?" The brunette asks.

You roll your eyes. "I'm a Bush, boo" You say blandly.

"What clan are you from!?" The raven yells.

" I'm from the clan called Blueberry bush" You say sarcastically and throw a handful of blueberries at them.

They both give you a bit of a glare and step forward.

"Okay, okay I'm [F/n] this is (Brothers/Name)" You say as you move your brother so they both can see.

"Oh...Wait! What's a girl and a young boy doing out here?! You can die!" The brunette yells.

The Raven haired boy gives your brother a soft look but then a hard gaze gets thrown your way.

"Ooo!~ Is that a kunai!? Di-"

"Hashirama, shut up she could be an enemy"

"Oh! Your right Madara!"

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