Scenario: You/He gets pregnant

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Warning Male Pregantion is in Madas Scenario. Enjoy

Hashirama (Your PoV)

"Mito! My stomach keeps getting bigger and I am getting awful mood swings!" I say to my dearest Best friend. "I see, let me check your stomach" She says. I nod and lay down on the Futon she set out for me.

After what felt like minutes she gives me a soft smile and helps me sit up. "(F/n) you are pregnant" She says.

My eyes widen. "I-I'm pregnant! I can't wait to tell hash-" "(F/n)'s pregnant!?" I hear from the window.

"Y-yeah, let's go now" You say awkwardly. Hashi eagerly nods and Drags you back with out a problem.


"Love? Why are you up so ear-" "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Uchiha Madara yells. You sweat drops but notices who puffy his eyes are.

"Love, do you want some affection?" You asks. Madara looks away and for some reason starts running somewhere. Leaving a confused (___) behind.

'I wonder if I impregnated Love?' (___) mentally asks.

"Love, let's go see Hashi" you says as they pick up the Uchiha and harishaned to the Hokage tower.

"Hashi, Can I borrow Tobi?" They ask as they stand on one of the Anbu. "(___), what is wrong with Madara"

"I do not know, he refuses to even let me examine him" you says.

"If you touch me I'll kill you!" Madara yells tightening his grip on himself.

"Take me back home!" The Uchiha demands. You sigh and nods before bowing a little and Hirishaning back to their compound.

"MitoandacoupleotherhyuugadocterssaythatIampregnantwithyourchildren" Madara says very quickly.

"..." a silent moment goes on before Madara stiffens and starts to get watery eyes.

"I am very glad to hear you are pregnant, I will stay by your side every step of the way" You finally say as you wrap your arms around his waist.

He wipes his tears and hugs you back.


"Tobi, I am pregnant" You randomly say. "I know" he replies.

"Its your child as well" You say as you continue to fill out the last patient's paperwork.

"I know" he says again. "What should we name them?" You ask clearly thinking about the future.

"Do not think about that right now" Tobi says as he randomly patts your head.


"(Name) we are going to the docter" Izuna announces. You stare at him with bored eyes.

"Okay" You say as you get up and start walking towards the door.

"Let's cuddle afterwards" You say as Izuna holds your hand. He nods and continues to pull you along.

"Tobirama, check (Name) if they have a child inside them or not" Izuna demands.

Tobirama sighs but leads you to his lab to enhance his sensory skills and to make sure it's not a false statement. "(Name)-San is pregnant Uchiha, now leave" Tobi says.

You happily drag Izuna home. Once you get home You sit down on the Futon and Izuna lays down on your belly.

"I was wondering why you were so calm" he mutters. You just shrug it off and play with his hair.

Sorry if it is really alike. I didnt have a lot of motivation for this one!

535 Words

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