Scenario: You 2 Fight

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You love Hashi a lot. You really do. You love him for him, not for his title or his ¥.

"Hashi, can we eat out together?" You ask.

"No, I'm busy"

It went on like this for quite some time.

"Hashi? Are you angry at me?" You ask.

"No, now leave me alone (F/n) I need have work to do" he replies through the other side of the locked door.

You grunt in annoyance but go make dinner.

"Hashirama, do you want to go watch the fireworks?" You ask as you eat dinner with said man.

"No! Why are you so clingy?! Why cant you be a good (S/o) and do house chores like a good sevant!?" Hashirama yells standing up.

You flare your chakra. "I am trying to be nice! I am also no damn sevant! If you think of me like that maybe I should show you I am not a f*cking sevant!!!" You yell.

Hashis eyes widened and he starts to realize what he says. But sadly he is to late and you leave out the door.

"W-wait!! (F/n)! I didn't...I didn't mean to say that" He mumbles.

'I'm so stupid'


Currently you and Madara are training. But he starts very violently attacking you. You being the fast Shinobi you are you dodge them all successfully. But then the man activates Susunno and you immediately summoned your Chakra Sword.

'I'm almost out of chakra' you thought as you continued to dodge Susunno's attack.

Madara ends up winning and he glares at your weakened form.

"Love that was quite rough, did something happen today at work?" You ask.

"Hn! That is none of your concern weakling!" Madara yells.

Your eyes widened. You have always been kind and Respectful but when you hear that it hurts your pride quite a bit, it also makes your blood boil.

"Love, You know that is not true" You say.

Madara smirks. "Oh really...weakling?~"

You glare at him. He flairs his chakra just to show you just how much he has left.

You decide you are not going to waste chakra on this considering it is already at a deadly low rate.

"I'm leaving" You mumble a syou Hirishaned to another place.


You are really stubborn. It's one of the many traits that relates yourself to Mito.

So when a patient of yours is dying and is laying on their death bed you give it your all to save that person.

After quite some time after working on them you finish and pass out.

Later when you wake up you see a worried Tobirama.

"Ah, hey Tobi" you say. Your voice is dry and raspy.

"You are an idiot! Your heart stopped beating 5 times!" Tobirama yells.

Your eyes widen, you never heard Tobirama Senju yell at anything. Maybe Uchihas but still.

"Why can't you take care of yourself?! Is it too hard to ask?!" Tobi yells.

You look down at the ground.

"yes it is, I am a doctor after all" You say.

He glares at you and he leaves the room.

You look blankly at the door as Mito comes in to scold you.


'This man hoe' you thought. Currently you 2 are on a date and you caught him looking at a females a*s.

You decided not to think to much about it and continue to have fun.

"Babe, I'm going to the bathroom stay here" Izuna says. You nod as you continue to buy Chocolate bananas.

'He has been gone for an hour? Did he leave me?' You thought.

Deciding you aren't going to wait for him anymore you walk towards the exit and there you see. Your husband with his ring off kissing a stripper on a stage.

Tears start to dwell up in your eyes as he continues to make out with the h0e.

You decide to confront him later at dinner.

At dinner time

"Izuna, why did you cheat on me?" You ask calmly.

He spits out his food and glares at you.

"Do not accuse me of something like that, I only love you" he says.

"But I saw you kiss some whore on a stage!" You yell.

"So what if I did!? You are just some extra in my way!!" He yells.

You both have a glaring contest.

You end up shedding a tear and you immediately leave the man alone.

"Sh*t!" Izuna yells.

I am sorry if Izuna or Hashirama are OOC. But it's just how imagine a fight were to go. Hope you liked this angsty chapter!

768 words

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