His Protector (A Tobi Story)

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So instead of putting 'Oneshot' in the title I was actually thinking that this could be a mini series since I don't feel like making a whole book about it. This also is if the Uchihas won the war.

Tobirama x Protective!Female!Uchiha!Reader
(An enemies to Lovers Au!)
Your PoV

We did it. We actually won against the Senju's. I start to smile.

Then I see the Monster who killed my sister. Tobirama Senju. He looks so broken, its laughable really. I look over to the past out Hashirama and glare at him.

He killed so many of my clan members.

"(F/n)! you helped win this battle! pick your favorite!" Izuna-kun says.

I sigh and look at a lone child and Tobirama.

"I want that one and the Albino" I mumble and Izuna nods and laughs before giving me the leash of Tobirama and the kid.

"Oi brat, what's your name?" I ask him.

She looks at me with frightened eyes and cowers into the Albino.

"Kessaki Senju..." Kessaki says. I nod.

"From now on you both will be mine, if anyone touches you or even looks at you the wrong way I will kill them" I say.

They both nod and I put Chakra seals on both of them. The Albino looks at me and I smirk.

"Just in case if you both decide to fight back" I whisper in his ear.

"Let's go" I demand and start to walk away with both their leashes in my hands.

When you 3 get to your home

"Alright, take these stupid collars off" I demand. Albino nods and unties the rope off him and the brat.

"Madara will probably kill me but I give you two the permission to roam about the house, if I feel you leave the house I will punish you, am I clear?" I say.

'Damn it Madara what did you do to me?'

They both nod and walk together off in the same direction.

"What a drag" I mumble and start to get ready for todays feast.

'I need to borrow clothing from Mrs. Aya for the Albino and I'm pretty sure I still have My brother's clothing in here' I mentally note.

"Oi, Senju's! Come here" I yell. I hear footsteps and their little to no chakra approaching.

"Take a shower then try these on, We are going to a feast with Madara and Izuna and they would kill me if I didn't make you 2 look presentable" I mutter the last part.

They both nod and I leave so they can change.

I glare at the sun outside the window. 'How am I supposed to treat them like slaves if I don't even know how to be cruel?' I deadpan.

'I'm the 3rd best Uchiha Fighter! I should know this!' I mentally yell.

Just then I hear the door open and I see the 2 Senju's look very nice.

"You like the kimono?" I tease to the Albino. He turns red and looks away. The Little Kessaki is also wearing a kimono but it is yellow and orange. The Albino is wearing a white and blue kimono rather I am wearing my (f/c) armor.

"Good, you even weared the jewelry I gave you, good job now let's go" I praise. Kessaki moves towards me and smiles so brightly its blinding.

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you my name, (F/n) Uchiha" I say with a small teasing bow.

"(F/n)-san! Can I hold your hand?" Kessaki asks.

My eyes soften but I keep a straight face. "Hn, Maybe later, hold Tobi-chans though" I say with a pat on her head.

"Alright, where your horrid collars and let's go!" I say and help the Albino put on his collar while he does Kessakis collar.

To be Continued...

643 Words

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