Pt 2 on If they were Yanderes

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This is part 2 if they were a Yandere!

Tobirama Yandereness: 55%

You and Tobirama have been together for about 2 years now and you two end up in this big argument. Leading you 2 to say some rather....rude things about eachother.

As much as you wanted to apologize, you realized that you are always the one saying sorry first and that just gets on your nerves.

So you leave to house and go to (Friends/Name)'s house.

But when you arrive you notice how cold they are to you. Even (F/n) Doesn't want to even look at you.

You brush it off and go to your Sister Mitos place. But she glares at you and slams the door.

You start to feel worried and go to Naomi's place but she doesn't make eye contact with you.

"Naomi, what is happening? Why won't you look at me?" You ask confused.

"(Y/n)-Senpai, I think you should go home" She says.

"There are rumors going about and I don't think you shou-"

"What rumors?!" You ask. You are starting to lose your patience with this Nonsense.

"There are rumors going around saying that you slept with every man in the Village" She says.

Your eyes turn into a hard glare.

"I see, I'm sorry for bothering you" You say and leave her.

'D*mn it!' You think over and over again.

You decide to let out some smoke and there you see the training grounds.

You end up breaking a lot of trees and items and you break a kunai.

"(Y/n)..It appears you don't like those rumors I said about you" A voice says in the dark.

You glare and flare your chakra.

"That is none of your Concern" you say, you already know it is Tobirama so you don't bother looking at him.

"(Y/n), say sorry" Tobirama says to you.

You grunt and grip the broken Kunai.

"Now" he says and lifts you by the neck.

You glare at him and you flare your chakra more.

"Fine" He says and stabs you in the heart. You die rather painfully. And Nation lost a great docter.

Izuna Yandereness: 85%

"Brother, I understand that you love (Name), but why the hell are you killing clan members and Hyuuga's?!" Madara yells at Izuna.

"Oi! Izuna! Get the lemon juice will ya! I need it for tea" You yell from another room.

Izuna smiles at his brother and instantly breaks his neck.

He didn't want to, but Madara gave him no Choice.

"Yeah, yeah!" He yells and quickly throws the body in a secret hatch that he installed for some weird reason.

"What was Madara yelling about?" You ask squeezing the lemon in you tea.

"He was complaining about how much time I am spending with you, he is getting jealous" Izuna lies.

"Where is Madara? Did he leave already?" You ask.

As a Hyuuga you are an amazing sensory ninja. So when you felt his chakra just Dissapear you found it weird. You didn't fell Tobiramas Chakra Harishaned in the compound at all so you just thought he left.

"Yeah, he left he said he didn't want us to know where he is going" Izuna Lies again.

"Hm, okay, you wanna go on a walk?" You say.

It wasn't until you smelled something rotting in your father's room that you started to suspect Izuna.

Of course you were right and later confronted the Man and he nodded his head.

You didn't particularly care about this but you did bury the bodies in the forest and gave them flowers.

Izuna was still killing people and you just casually didn't care. It just meant that he loved you enough to risk that.

Sorry if this is late! I just wanted a break. Plus I discovered Archive of Our own was a thing and got horribly scarred by the ships and I just can't look at Hashi the same anymore. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!

669 words!

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