Madara oneshot

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Madara with Daughter!Teen!Rebellious!Cheerful?Fem!Reader.
Requested by:QueenRhubarb. Thank you for the idea! Hashirama will be here too. Yall are not together but he is like another parent to you.

2nd PoV

"[Name] be careful of the Senju's, if they find out you are an Uchiha they will surely kill you and me" Your father, Madara Uchiha warns.

You scoff a little before looking him dead in the eye. "Fine" You say putting your hands up in defeat.

He nods and you get up to leave. 'I wonder why he has a thing against Hashi-Mamas clan, They all seem like kind people' You wonder as you walk to a certain place near a big, beautiful Willow tree.

"Ah! [Name]! I'm glad you arrived safely!" Hashi-mama yells from the center of the willow tree.

"I brought your favorite!" He says holding a neatly wrapped box.

Your eyes brighten and you throw yourself on the grown man.

"Ooo!~ Meat!" You cheer opening the box.

"Thanks Hashi-mama!" You say with a smile.

You never met your mother. You just assumed that she died while giving birth to you. So whenever someone treats you like a mother would you always liked them more.

"How is your father?" Hashirama asks leaning against the willow tree.

"The old geezer is still alive, he said he saw a boy near a cave somewhere in the mountain over" You see through chews.

"Say, why don't you come with me to visit a village?" Hashirama asks.

"Mmm..Nope!" You say licking your fingers.

"Pops said that I'm not aloud to go inside a village without him" You say rubbing your stomach. "That was delicious!" You cheer.

Normally you only visit Hashirama at the willow. You don't visit him everyday but enough to keep a strong bond with.

"I can give you more meat~" Hashirama tries to bribe.

"I'm not stupid ya know, I don't want to leave the old geezer" You say with a stern glare. You flash your sharingan as a warning before turning it off.

"Stupid brat, didn't I tell you not to visit a Senj-" you hear.

"Hey Madara" Hashirama says with a fake smile and a wave.

"Brat, out of all of the damned people you could have picked, why the hell did you pick him?" The old geezer asks.

"Dunno, he kept giving me free food, also its to spite you so..sort of a win win" You say with a shrug.

"I just want to talk Madara.." Hashi-mama says.

"I told you to leave me the hell alone!! Then you come and start bribing MY brat? Who the hell do you think you are?" Pops yells getting in front of you protectively.

"This is escalating quickly.." You mutter.

"Madara please just come back to the village, stop trying to destroy it! You even helped build it! Its a place [Name] can be safe!" Hashirama pleads.


"Later Hashi-mama!" You say walking away with madara.

"I hate you so much.." Madara says holding you by the hand.

"No you don't" You say with a smile.

521 Words!

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