Scenario: The Main Side effects of Pregnancy

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Once Hashi found out about this side effect he didn't know what to do.

He tried to shower you in hugs and Sunshine but you just continued to glare at him just like how Madara would when they were at war.

Eventually Hashi gave up and start to think that you hate him, so he went to go cry in a corner.

'(F/n)'s going to leave me' Hashi thought as he continued to cry.

You would eventually (after a couple of minutes) feel bad about this and you would comfort him.


When You found out they sweat dropped. You didn't mind in the beginning. Madara was always a spoiled submissive, needy person so they thought it was natural.

That was until You came home from a stressful meeting with the Konoha elders and Hokage did they find their Husband on the floor sobbing.

So naturally the aloof wall fell and You immediately rushed to their husband. "Are you Alright Love? Did someone hurt you? Who do I need to eliminate?"

But then Madara looked at You with annoyed eyes. "Calm down weirdo, My favorite character in my book died" he said and immediately began to cry again.

'This will be a long Pregnancy' Poor (___) deadpanned.


Tobi found out instantly after he was told you were pregnant. Honestly he thinks that it was pretty easy to spot.

But you couldn't careless on what he thought. You just wanted to sleep. The hospital demanded you to stay home and that if they see you inside the building to work during the pregnancy they will suspend you for a couple months after the child is born.

So you sleep, eat, go to the bathroom, clean and play with your chakra most of the day.


Devouring everything
Izuna found out on accident. He had found you at the barbecue with your Akimichi friends. He didn't mind until he saw you eat everything in a second.

The sound of the Akimichis laughing at how much you ate was ignored by your satisfied look.

'M-my Wallet' he mentally started to sulk about it.

Ehm, Yes I will be doing an Indra Oneshot, I don't mind these kind of requests but if you will request something like this keep it before Lord 3rds time okay?

391 Words

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