Story 2

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No ship.
TW: Death, Swearing

2nd PoV

"Heh! I lived! Thank goodness that was scary! I thought I almost died!" You say as you patt Madara and Hashirama on the back.

"Why did you do that Stupid...?" Madara mumbles, his bangs covering his eyes.

"(F/n)...You are always so reckless" Hashirama whispers tears coming down his eyes.

"Ha? Guys! Look at me! I'm sorry" You say patting their backs some more.

They ignore you and walk away.

"Weird...Tobirama! I think those 2 are pulling a prank again!" You say approaching the Albino man.

He gives a glare at the ground and let's out a whimper. "You are so stupid..." Tobirama whispers.

"Okay, this is getting weird...Maybe you all need some time to process that I'm alive" You say and walk to one of you favorite places in the village, the mountain.

There you see your bloodied body in the middle of the ground

"I'm...dead?...No It can't be..I remember waking up at the hospital...!" You yell turning around and around.


180 words

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