Hashirama and Tobirama

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I feel like making Reader from Madaras scenario appreciate and comfort their younger brothers before they met Madara so here ya go. This isn't Incest!

2nd PoV

"Kawarma has died in battle" Butsama(shit head) announces.

You look over at your brothers and see that they are crying. Hashirama however opens his mouth rather stupidly.

"Kawarma was only 7 years old! I wish we stopped fighting! Can't we just make peace with the Uchiha?!" Hashirama yells facing his father.

"Kawarma died in honor! Children like you are called brats!" Batsuma (Shit head) yells running towards Hashirama with his hand out ready to smack him.

In a instant you grab his wrist and tighten your grip on it and Tobirama gets infront of Hashirama.

"No father! Hashirama is just mourning" Tobirama says.

You give Batsuma a glare and tighten your hold. "Brat let me go!" Shit head yells moving his arm.

"You don't even feel remorse towards your children, it would have been best if you didn't produce an heir, because of you we have to go through this stupid war" You say letting your fathers arm go.

"It would be best for you to leave, I wouldn't want to bury my father on the same day of my brothers funeral" You advise as you give your father the same hard glare.

Batsuma glares at you and leaves.

"(___)....! That was so cool! The way you stood up to father" Itama cheers and gives you a hug.

You smile gently and rub his back. You look at your other siblings and open your arms signaling for a sibling hug.

They both run into your arms and silently sob. "It is alright, At least Kawarma will not need to battle any more" You comfort.

Eventually Itama falls asleep. Hashirama and Tobirama let go of you and you pick up your youngest sibling.

"Let's go home" You say ruffle each one of their heads.

When Itama died

"Nooo!!! Itama!!!" Hashirama yells holding his younger brothers dead body.

Hashirama carrys Itamas cold, pale body to the Compound to mourn him better.

"Anija? Wha-Itama!? This isn't funny...Where is your chakra?" Tobirama asks stupidly as he holds his last younger brothers hand.

"We can get (___)! They can heal him! And he will be all better!" Hashirama yells putting down Itamas body to go look for you.

You however are battling your ugly father as a punishment for not killing an Uchiha child.

"(___)! I-" Your father throws a kunai at Hashirama and it starts to head straight towards him.

'Shoot!' You mentally yell and sprint towards Hashirama. You push him out of the way but fail to get yourself out of the way.

It pierces your ribs. You hiss at the sudden pain and pull the kunai out.

"Yes Hashirama...? D...id you need som...ething?" You ask.

Hashirama stares at you with teary eyes and nods his head. "Its Itama!" He yells.

Your eyes widen and all of a sudden you forget the pain you once has and sprint to the entrance of the compound.

"Tobirama..." You mutter as you see your younger brother holding Itamas hand to his face.

"(___)...*hic* he is gone!" Tobirama yells tackling you to the ground and burying his face into your chest.

"Shh, it will be alright" You mutter rubbing circles on his back and holding his head softly.

"Please! Don-*hic*t die! We cant lose you!" Tobirama sobs.

"I won't, I don't plan to die today or the days after Ototo" You comfort some more.

"Come, let's burry Itama before he starts to stink" You say with a gentle smile.

He nods and wipes his tears away.

"I love you Ototo, I love you and Hashirama so much, don't leave me alone in this world" You say as you ruffle his hair.

He nods and picks Itama up.

A few years later

"(___)! I want some love!" Hashirama whines slamming the door open and running towards your desk, with Tobirama following.

"Hashi...I'm a little busy at the moment" You say as you look up from your paperwork.

"But you have been doing this for so long! You havent come out of this horrible room for the past 2 days!" Hashirama whines some more.

"I feel like you are ignoring us!" Hashirama continues.

"Alright, alright I will take a break for the next 2 days..." You mutter stumbling as you stand up.

"You are probably hungry, let's go eat something" Tobirama says as he holds on to your left arm.

"Right" Both You and Hashirama say in sync.

"I love you two" You say causing them both to smile.

The End.              780 Words

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