Madara Oneshot

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Yandere!Madara x Yandere!Sarcastic!Fem!Reader
I'm bored and don't feel like working on another scenario so here ya go. Enjoy!

2nd Person

"Hey..M-mAdara-s-sama I l-love yOu!" An Uchiha girl says. You roll your eyes. 'Speak bitch'

"Hn, I'm busy" Madara says holding a kunai to her throat.

"Are we about to kiss right now?" She asks ignoring the kunai piercing her skin.

'Go ahead, to bad you won't be able to live to tell the tale' You grin.

It might not be normal for a...Noble person to stalk another but that's okay.  You already had marked Madara as yours he had also did the same to you. It signaled to tell others to back off or else.

Of course they did seem to believe you or the mark thinking that you just painted it on your skin and of how sarcastic you sounded but that's just your regular voice.

Madara rolls his eyes and returns to sharpening his kunai.

The bitch starts to giggle and she skips away content that she wasn't rejected. Of course you will wipe that joyful face away with a little bit organic juice.

You walk close to the alley she was in and put around you a invisibility Jutsu. Then you walked into the Alley she was in and hold your very sharp sword behind your back.

"What's popping bitch?" you ask walking closer to her.

She turns around startled at the voice and doesn't see anyone. She starts to whimper, "W-whos there!? C-come out and f-f-fight me!" She screams holding out a dull kunai.

"You are an Uchiha, maybe I should take your eyes away, you arent worthy of having them" You say and thrust your sword into her eye.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" She screams in pain.

You rip your sword out and stab her in her other eye causing her to fully go blind.

"I wonder how you didn't see my sword? It was very visible..but I guess you can no longer see anything now so it's nothing to be ashamed of" You say and start to dice her up like a hog.

Eventually she dies and you grin. "Hm, it's a shame really...To bad no one heard your screams, it would have made things more enjoyable" You say as you cast an invisibility Jutsu on her.

"Luckily you didn't get any filthy blood on me, it would have been a pain cleaning it out" You say as you put her stinky body into a thick bag.

"I will go and give your eyes to your parents, I'm sure they would love to see you" You snicker hoping on roofs to get to a deep river with a strong current.

You put her eyes in a fancy box and put in a note.

The note: Oh dear parents I would like to tell you that I was oh so brutally killed by a rouge Ninja from Suna. He told me to write this just to tell you that I am...dead. have a g-good time trying to find my body. P.s I would love to See you once more before I burn in hell.

With Madara, a couple hours earlier

"Ms. There is a person who wants to see you" Your assistant says.

"Hmph, make it quick please" You say putting your chin in your palm.

"H-hello Ms. [Y/N]...I-I"

"Can you speak? I don't have all day" You say looking at him with bored eyes. He nods and closes his eyes, "I LOVE YOU [Y/N]-CHAN! I WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU IF THAT IS OKAY!" He screams.

Madara however is right outside your window listening intently.

"Hmph You sound like a girl, I don't care what you feel, stop bothering me with stupid ass gifts, preparing an appointment just to see me, and stop insulting my likes and dislikes, I couldn't give a shit now leave" You say getting completely annoyed.

The guy runs away sobbing.
"[Y-Y/n]!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!! THAT WAS MY BROTHER" Your assistant screams running after him.

"Ooo~ I'm sooo scared" You say sarcastically.

Madara glares at the now leaving assistant and her brother. He decides to follow them and tap the on their shoulders.

"Oi, you 2 come with me I can help with your problem" Madara says leading them to the same river.

They both follow without a doubt. "Will yo-?" Madara cuts the assistant off by cutting her head off. Then he stabs the guy in the chest directly In the heart.

"No one is allowed to hurt my
[Y/N]" Madara says kicking the head.

"I need to sharpen my kunai now"

Back with you

Once you arrive you see a bloodied trail and decide to follow it because why not?

There you see your beloved throwing something in the waters.

"Dear, what was that?" You ask as you deactivate the invisibility Jutsu.

"Just an animal who was found dead, what do you have my beloved moon?~" Madara asks getting closer to you.

"A bunch of dead dogs..." You say with a small frown. Even after it dies he still talks about it.

He smiles and starts to walk back to Kami knows where. Once you tell that the coast is clear you throw the bag into the water and watch it get swept away.

'Was that blood?'
'Was that blood?' You both had mentally questioned.

917 Words

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