Scenario: How Your childs birthdays go

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(your kid is a year old)

"Gah! Do we have everything?! Is the cake ready?!" You yell as you start to pace around the room.

"Yes Blossom, everything is alright" Hashirama says as he hugs you from behind  and nuzzles you.

"Are you sure?" You question your tree man. He nods and cuddles you some more.

"Everything is alright flower" Hashirama says as he holds the cake and puts it on the table.
"Okay, thanks my tree"
"Tree..." Hashirama sulks.


"(___)...did you have to go that far? It's just a birthday" Madara says as he looks over the fully decorated room.

"I suppose..." You mutter as you get off the latter.

Due to you not having a birthday celebration when you were a child you wanted to make sure that (S/n) had a memorable birthday even though he wont remember.

"The brat isnt even going to remember" Madara says as he starts to grab a chair to sit down.

"But it is for us love" You say with a small smile. He sighs and nods.


"Huh, I'm early...That's good, time to get ready" You mutter to yourself as you bring out a medium sized cake.

Tobirama had offered to take Tsuyoi on a walk so you can prepare the celebration.

'I'm so lucky to have him!' You cheer. 'Luckily I prepared the things before hand, I would hate to go to the store now'


"(Name) what are you doing for this squirts birthday?" Madara asks.

Your eyes widen. "That's today?!" You yell.

"...Izuna probably has this under control then if you didn't know" Madara mutters as he tickles (D/n).

But instead of laughing (D/n) starts to cry.

"How do you forget your own childs birthday?" Madara asks.

"How do you make friends with a tree?" You counter as you snatch your baby and sprint back to the house.

This was Rushed but that's okay! Because I finished another chapter for you lovely people! Hope you enjoyed this small chapter!

340 Words

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