Hashirama and Tobirama Oneshot

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Hashirama, Tobirama with Baby!Fem!Reader
Requested by: QueenRhubarb. I didn't put 'x' because yall are siblings. This is a fluffy oneshot! Sorry if it looks a bit rushed. Enjoy.

2nd PoV

"Hashirama, Tobirama! Come with me" Batsuma/ugly ass yells. Moving towards the exit.

The two boys get up and follow their hideous father out the door. Worried that they did something wrong.

"I need you both to watch your imoto, I am needed across the valley for an important Senju meeting" Batsuma says handing over a baby to them.

Both boys eyes widen. They had almost never got the chance to take care of you. For the reason being that a girl should not witness death.

Your baby eyes glare at Batsuma and immediately throw yourself on Hashirama.

"Anija!" You say happily wrapping your arms around him.

Hashiramas eyes light up. Instantly feeling a connection with you. He is only 14 but he feels like a mother now.

"Imoto! You are so cute! Lets go!" He says brightly flashing one of his sun competing smiles.

You giggle and let him hold your right hand. You grasp Tobiramas hand and start pulling it along. You stick your tongue out at Batsuma after.

You are quite smart for a kid thats only 3 years old. But you make people think your dumb for the 'element of surprise'.

You secretly already met the Uchiha brothers. They were amazing.

"Imoto! Lets go get you something to eat! Tobirama what do babies eat?" Hashirama asks.

Tobirama cringed a little before sighing. "Children her age probably eats small, mushy foods or the food we eat but in smaller portions" Tobirama informs looking down at you.

You internally face palm at your brothers but decide to go along with it. You loved them even though you almost never get to see them.

"Okay! Lets get some Ramen!" Hashirama cheers lifting you up in the air and throwing you.

Tobirama slaps him on the head and catches you before you hit the ground. "Stupid Anija! She could have gotten hurt!" Tobirama scolds giving you pack to Hashirama.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" He asks as if waiting for an answer.

You laugh at his face and he brightens up. "My little Imoto is never scared! She has a bunch of big brothers that will help protect her!" Hashirama says twirling you in the air.

"Nom nom" You say pointing at you mouth. Signaling that your hungry.

Hashirama squels and goes to the Ramen shop down the street. "3 bowls of miso Ramen please! Make one of them tiny too!" Hashirama orders.

The owner nods and starts scooping the Ramen.

You hear squels that are definitely not your Anijas. So you turn and see a bunch of weirdos looking at you blushing.

"Ew!" You say pointing at them.

Hashirama and Tobirama laugh silently but nod. The weirdos start to approach you with an even weirder look in their eyes.

"No touching!" Hashirama says pulling you away from their reach.

You turn to see Tobirama glaring daggers at them but shrug it off.

"Arigato!" You say starting to eat the food that was on the counter.

You end up finishing the smaller bowl of Ramen and turn to Tobirama.

"F-food!" You purposely stutter out.

Tobirama looks at you and sighs before giving you some of his Ramen. He would be lying if he didn't find your reactions amusing.

You smile at him before eating some more. Eventually you rest your head on the counter signaling that you were tired.

"Imoto, lets go rest somewhere else" Tobirama says picking you up.

Hashirama pays for the meals and he holds his brothers hand. Leading him to a tree that is quite big but is secluded so there's not a lot of noice.

"Tired" You mutter, your eye lids starting to drop down.

"I'll make sure no one ambushes us while you sleep" Hashirama says rubbing his younger siblings heads.

Tobirama nods and you just smile before falling asleep.

"She is adorable" Hashirama whispers.

671 words!

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