Scenario: Your Wedding

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You are feeling quite nervous. You have been dating the Hokage for 2 years and know it is the day of you wedding.

You are currently wearing a white dress with is came with a white Hair pin.

"(F/n)! You look so amazing!" Hashi yells and happily skips to the other side of the hall where you are.

You smile and happily take his arm and start to walk.

"Hashi~, how many people did we invite again?" You ask. Surely you know the number but you want to hear it from him.

"Hmmm...200 people?" He says. You nod and continue to walk until you are in front of the room you are supposed to enter.

"See you in a few minutes" you say and Hashi pouts but nods, going into the unknown parts of the building.

*after you enter and after the vows*

"With the power vested in me, I now declare you Husband and wife(or husband), you may now kiss the Bride/Husband!" The Priest announced hashi kissed you gently on the lips and you smile.


"Madara, why do I have to wear the dress?" You ask. Clearly you hate the fact that Madara gets to wear a suit and you are stuck with a stupid, puffy dress.

"You think I, the Great Madara Uchiha will be caught in a flimsy thing such as that? I'd rather die" He says with a huff.

"But I am the Senju clan head!" You say.

He sighs and looks at you fully.

"But I am the Dominant one" he says. You glare at him.

"I'd rather be caught dead then wear that!" You say, clearly dropping your calm persona.

"Fine, wear a suit, but I will help you get dressed" He says.

You smile and Nod.

*after that awkward moment while changing, after you walk into the place thingie and after the vows that I will not memorise to type.*

Finally, the boring stuff was over and you can get out of this hurrendes costume.

"(___), you still need to go to the party with I" Madara says.

You glare. You would much rather do paperwork the Hokages at that, then go to a loud, obnoxious party.

You pout.

"Why? The celebration has already been done and I do not feel like being the spotlight of attention" You say.

"But, If you want me to I suppose" you say. 'Thank you Tobirama for Creating the shadow clone Jutsu!' You mentally cheer.


"Mito! That's tight!" You yell as Mito tightens your white Kimono.

She glares at you and loosens it up so you can breathe.

"(Y/n), you do know that it needs to be tight so Tobirama can-" "Stop" you say.

The white clashes with your Red Uzumaki hair. But other then that its peachy.

*Dont know what to put so skipping a lot of stuff and now you are at a Party to celebrate this wedding*

"(Y/n)! Come meet some of our distant relatives!" Mito yells and grabs you out of your seat and pulls you to them.

'Why me? I'm a docter not a Greets person' you thought.

You look over at Tobirama and you both are being dragged about by your elder siblings.

'I want to go home!' You both thought.

Pretty boi

"I'm tired! Why did it have to be in the Morning?" You ask your soon-to-be husband.

"Hn" he says. You squint your eyes at him.

"Hmph" you say puffing your cheeks.

*Skipping, Skipping all the way till everyone leaves that boring party*

"Can I go home yet?~" you ask head on the table.

"Yes, all the guests have left" one of the maids say.

You nod and walk slowly back to the house.

It wasn't fair, Izuna was the social one in the relationship why did he have to go to this super important meeting.

You glare at the ground.

The fact that you hate feeling lonely is overpowering.

"Hmph, he better have made some good food, that food tasted horrible" You mumble.

"I'm home" you yell once you get to the compound.

"Welcome home (Name)" you hear from the kitchen.

After you ate you practically ripped off the Yukuta you were wearing and dressed in comfortable clothing.

"Izu! Cuddles now!" You yell.

You are tired, cold and wanting attention.

He enters the room and falls on to the Futon.

Squishing you in the process.

This is a weird chapter but do hope you enjoy. I skipped most of the vow thingies because it's too long and I don't remember any of the vows. Plus the walking and describing part I suck at. Plus I didn't want them to be the same so I put in the different times at the wedding.

797 Words

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