Scenario: the cute things you 2 do

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Tree for brains

Since Hashirama has a wood release he can make furniture easily. But instead he enjoys watering this small Bonsai tree.

You enjoy watching him talk about the Bonsai tree while his head is on your lap. You of course stroke his hair and you smile at his happy but calm form.

So when ever he has the day off you go over to the Senju compound and you spoil him. He secretly loves the attention he gets but he won't tell you that

Rapunzel but black hair

You 2 talk about clan stuff most of the time.

But when you aren't you are talking about desserts. Madara himself hates desserts with a burning passion, but when he sees your eyes light up and how you talk passionately about it. He doesn't dare say 'no more'. Just the fact that you are smiling makes him feel happy.

Also you two bake those desserts and he feeds them to you. You willingly let him hand feed you and Madara finds this adorable.

But when you try to get some at night he always knows and finds out, leaving him to scold you. Hashirama has seen you like this and always wants to hug you tightly but holds back not wanting to ruin the moment.

Racist Senju

As you know, Tobirama always over works himself. You hate that, so you go inside his office and help him with the Paperwork.

It ends up with Him falling asleep on his desk and you carrying/dragging him to his house that was actually really close.

Then you cuddle him and fall asleep.

Madaras brother

So what you 2 like to do is star gaze.

The reason why you like to star gaze is because the effect it has on Izuna. His hair seems to glow along with his eyes, you think it has the best effect.

For him, it's to tell you all he knows about it and all the constellations.

You always bring snacks and he enjoys just rambling about something he knows about.

This is a short one, Sorry! Hope you enjoyed and I hope you felt just as single as I did while making this!

368 words!

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