Scenario: If you became a Yandere

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Hashirama, Yandereness: 65%

You and Hashi have been dating for 1 year now. But for some 'odd' reason Hashirama's friends and close family have continuously gone missing.

"(F/n)! Please don't leave me! you are all I have left!" Hashi tells you in the lonely Senju compound. He is currently having a break down.

"I promise Hashi, I won't ever leave you" You say with a twisted smile as you hug Hashirama 'lovingly'.

"(F/n), I'm going to go to sleep now, can we cuddle?" Hashirama asks ever so innocently.

The way you killed them was actually quite simple. All you did was conceal your chakra, kidnapped them, put chakra restraints and physically and Mentally tortured them until you killed them. Then you killed the closest people to you which you didn't care about. At least not as much as Hashirama.

Your twisted smile turns into a soft smirk and you nod. Later that Night you go and scatter the bodies in public places.

Madara, Yandereness: 45%

"DIE UCHIHA!!" One of the Suna people say. Madara was in a bad situation and just accepted his death and awaited for the pain but he never felt any.

When he opened his eyes he sees you glaring at the Suna person and chocking him. Your grip gets harder as you continue to play the situation in your head.

After you killed the guy, You turn to Madara and he (again) expects pain to course through his body. But surprisingly he feels a hand on his cheek.

"Not to worry Love, I would never let anyone hurt you" You say and knock him out.

When he wakes up he sees that he is in the Senju compound but blood reeks of this place.

"Don't worry Love, I killed my clan members with out pain by breaking their necks while they were asleep and I killed the Uchiha police force also the Shinobi" you say. Madara can see the Lust hungry eyes of yours.

Plus being in the weakened and shock filled situation he is in, he can't possibly think of a Plan to escape you. Much less Fight you.

So he does everything you say. You treat him well. You even let him use a bit of Chakra and go see his Clan members.

You have taken over the Konoha your brothers worked so hard to build and you presented Madara as your Husband.

He let you do this because he actually grew to enjoy the quiet life and being treated with respect.

Tobirama, Yandereness: 70%

You had made a deadly medicine that would kill anyone within the span of 1 minute. You also love Tobirama dearly and you don't feel like sharing him anymore. So you did what any normal deadly docter did, you made it necessary to get the shot and to your surprise everyone took it.

You told Tobirama to be last because you wanted to give him something in private. He naturally agreed and when it was your turn you knocked him out by cutting off his breathing.

Later when he woke up he saw Hashiramas dead body with a horrified look on his dead face.

"(Y/n)!! W-why!?" He yells trying to flare his chakra.

"Because I don't like the thought of me sharing anymore" You say plainly and give him a sadistically twisted smile and your eyes turn the same color as your hair. Red.

"If you behave I will let you out of this room, I'm sure you want to know were you are right?" You say.

He makes an audible gulp and nods.

Izuna, Yandereness: 90%

"Izuna-Chan! Come please!" A person screams. Izuna runs towards the sound.

There he finds dead bodies everywhere and you in the middle staring blankly.

"(N-Name), what did you do?!" He yells at you. Madara comes out and tries to attack you but you move out of the way and grab his neck.

Then you glare at Madara and start to tighten your grip and lift him into the air.

"W-wait!! (Name)! Please don't kill him! He is my last brother!" Izuna yells. You turn to him and look at his crying face.

Your grip tightens but you loosen it.

"Hm, I see, I will make his honor and pride of Uchiha go down the drain then" You say and rip Madaras eyes out.

Madara yells in pain but then starts to choke because of the air stuck in his throat.

"Hm, Ah yes, his hair would make perfect ropes" You say and rip his scalp off leaving nothing but bleeding skin.

Izuna runs to you to try and attack you but you use one of your silent fists and knock him out cold.

"Now, your hands so you will never be able to perform a Jutsu ever again" you say as you chop Madaras fingers one by one.

"Your Scowl annoys me, smile" You say and grab one of his hairs and sew it against his lips creating a smile.

"Now your Legs, so you won't need to walk anymore" You say sadistically. And cut his legs off.

Somehow He is still somewhat alive but is barely even breathing.

"Oh yes! And your Man hood" you say as you cut off his wiener.

"I should go and kill everyone else now, I hope you live so I can kill you once more" You say as you throw Madara on the ground and stomp on his chest breaking most of his ribs.

"I will take care of your brother though, I promise you that Madara Uchiha" You say and he seems to have died now.

"Izuna is mine no one will be able to take him from me"

Lmao, sorry for the gore! I just wanted to do a Yandere chapter the next will be them being a Yandere! Hope you enjoyed!

978 words

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