Scenario: Yall Forgive Eachother

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Hashirama (his Pov)

It's been a week since our fight and I miss them.

"Tobbbiiii! I need help! How do I make (N/n) come back?" I said as I put my head on the table. I finished my work really fast so that's why I can do it freely. "Well, why dont you invite them to a nice place and say sorry there" Tobi, my wonderful Ototo said.
"Thank you Ototo!!"

At 7 pm(2nd PoV)

You got a letter to go to the Sakura forest. You didn't quite care so you went.

But when you hot there you heard a loud Thud. Being the amazing person you are you immediately went to make sure if the person was okay.

"Are you okay Hashi!? What happened!? Eep! Your bleeding! don't worry I'll go get a banda-"

Hashi gave you a passionate kiss which you melted into.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to get mad at you!! Please forgive me (N/n)!!!" Hashi sobbed tackling you to the ground.

"I know, and I am sorry too" you say.

"Now! Let's go home!" You say with a smile.

Madara(Your PoV)

"Tobi, Hashi? Is there something you need? It's rare for you 2 to come here" I say.

"We want to file a complaint" Tobi says.

My eyes widened. Did I do something wrong? Has my leadership skills gone down? I don't have an heir yet! Shoot!

"Y-yes, and that is...?" I ask. Sure they are my brothers but when it comes to this I need to be serious.

"You have been ignoring me and I want to know why!" I hear.

"Hashirama, Tobirama I dismiss you" I say. Hashi pouts and opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

"Now" I demand. They both run out of my room and I'm left alone with Madara.

"Love, Its...Pleasent to see you so soon" I say with a close eyed smile.

"Tch! I'mSorry!Forgivemealready!" He says.

I smile and get up. I walk towards him and pet his head.

"Yes of course Love, I'm sorry for ignoring you" I say as I cup his face.

"Will you forgive me?" I ask.

He pouts and kisses me.

"You are such an Idiot.."

Tobirama (Your PoV)

"Mito! What do I do!? Its been a he really mad at me?" I ask my elder sister.

She sighs and looks at me from her dumb scroll.

"(Y/n), we are talking about Tobirama, it is likely you have to apologize" Mito says.

"But not until you get better, your chakra reserves are still low" She says and Leaves.

'Not like I will listen to that, I feel fine!' I mentally thought.

I rip off the wires and Tubes off of me and I break the window.

"(Y/n) Uzumaki Senju!! Do not Jump out. You are not well healed yet!!!" A nurse yells.

I smirk at the nurse. "Adios!" I say and fall out backwards.

"I'm free!!!" I yell with a big smile. Or that was until I was caught by a strong pair of arms and a tuff of fur.

"Pleasure to accompany you Tobi!" I say. Sure it was out of character but I don't like being forced to be polite.

He glares at me and Sets me down once we are in some forest.

"I am Sorry" We both say at the same time. I smile at him.

"Sorry Tobi" I say.

"I'm sorry for Getting mad at you" Tobi mumbles under his breath.

"Apology accepted!" I say as I hug and kiss my mans neck causing him to blush.

Izuna(His PoV)

'They haven't come home in this past week, I shouldn't have cheated' I mentally think.

"Where could they be? I searched everywhere" I mumble.

"Maybe they are in the old treehouse we built a long time ago" Nii-chan says.

My eyes widened, they remembered that it existed?

"Thanks Nii-chan!! You are the best!" I say as I jump out the window.

"Oi! Brat there is a door for a reason!!" Nii-chan says.

I arrived at the treehouse easily. 'They must have made it bigger and it looks so much more better, wait is that a body inside, is it collapsed? Sh*t, this idiot'

"Izuna, why the f*ck are you here?" My eyes widened.

"(Name)?! Who is this?" I ask.

They look over at the person and grunt.

"I found this brat in the forest and since he had a fever he couldn't speak well so I started to take care of him" They said.

"Hey (Name), I'm sorry for cheating, I was blind. I made a stupid decision about her" I say.

They look at me and touch my cheek.

Then slaps me.

"Good, that should have slapped the stupid out of you, know let's go this brat can get even more sick if we leave him here" They say, with a smirk.

"Okay Babe" I say as I pick him up.

I finally finished this chapter! (Yay) My schedule is long...
*anime sulks* anyways hope you liked this heart warming chapter. P.s The photo is brotherly love!

852 Words

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