Madara Oneshot

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ainulkim_tw , Kaikure  I put both your requests in the same chapter! I made Mito a guy and Hashirama a Gal cause why not? Enjoy!

Madara x Uzumaki!Neko!Fem!Reader
2nd PoV

"Uchiha-san, I expect my sister to come back in one peice, am I understood?" Mito asks. You give the 2 men a blank but scary look.

"Mito, go back with your wife" You demand to your younger sibling.

He gives you a cold stare but nods and leaves.

*After the long mission. A wack Ninja was planning on hitting Madara with an unknown Jutsu but you pushed him out of the way ending in him killing the Nin and having to carry your unconscious body back*

"Oi Ice Queen! Come fix this damned Jutsu!" Madara yells breaking down the lab door.

'I just fixed that...' Tobirama mentally complains. Then he sees your unconscious form and walks over to you 2.

"Hm, she doesn't seem to be in any kind of danger, the Jutsu should wear off in about 2-3 days" Tobirama says and Madara glares at him before leaving.

"Uchiha-san...." Madara hears. He instinctually ran for it. Still carrying in his arms.

When you wake up

You yawn and stretch. But then you get pushed back down to some unknown weight. Causing you to scratch at whatever is pushing you down.

You start to hiss at the unknown person pushing you down to the bed.

Then you finally start to remember you are human and try to identify the person.

'Mito...Mito!' You mentally yell getting up and pushing the man off of you so that you can check his wounds.

"Mito" You start. In all honesty you don't know what to do but clean his wounds. So you clean his wounds and bandage him all up.

"Nee-chan, Madara hit me..." Mito whines. You deadpan at his stupid words and get up to leave.

"You have a tail and cat ears Nee-chan" Mito mumbles. You glare at the wall and leave.

Then you get bombarded with questions from Hashirama. Leaving her to try and hug you but you scratching her for it.

'Dear Kami, why the fuuu-' before you can even finish you feel yourself getting hugged from behind and getting a head pat.

So naturally you lean into the touch. 'It smells like Uchiha-San' You mentally say.

"(Name) you scared me back there..." Madara whispers.

You purr in acknowledgement. He carries you to the couch and sets you on his lap.

You happily snuggle into him, purring in delight. He chuckles and pets you and occasionally strokes your tail.

When Mito and Hashirama go to check on you 2 they see a sleeping Madara and a purring, adorable, sleeping (Name).

Mito felt so jealous. 'How come he gets to cuddle with Nii-chan!?'

This was a bit rushed! I also didn't know how to make this adorable but here we are!

492 Words

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