Scenario: Your kid gets upset at Him/You

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The brats are 14 now. Hurray

"Tou-chan! Stop treating me so differently from my cousins! You are always training them and not me! You never pay attention to me or Kaa-chan either! Do you not like us anymore!?" Itama screams across the dinner table.

Hashiramas eyes squint at the girl and shrugs it off. He had just finished a 100 page work pile at the office and is very hungry.

"See!? You always shrug things off! Ugh!!! You never treat me with Respect!!" Itama screams standing up and running away.

Leaving you starting to feel worried and a annoyed Hashirama in the dinner table.

"I was just trying to eat..." he mutters starting to sulk.


"You don't know how many times it gets brought up that my TOU-SAN gave birth to me! I always have to defend your sorry ass!!!" (S/n) screams at Madara.

"Who the hell do you think you are?! I AM THE PARENT NOT YOU!" Madara yells back standing up to assert dominance.

You sigh. "Enough, both of you calm down" You say getting in the middle of them.

"NO!! HE STARTED IT!!!' They both screamed in your ear.

(S/n) death glares at Madara. "I Hate you!!" He screams jumping out the window.

"Danm brat!" Madara huffs out and looks at you.

"I wish you got pregnant instead of me" Madara says kicking the table over and walking away.

You sigh and look at the food that is now on the ground. "What do I do now?" You ask the food.


"Kaa-chan! Why the hell are you always in the hospital!? You never spend time with me or Tou-san!" Tsuyoi screams.

"Ha? Oh sorry squirt, I'm just busy there and Want to make sure that the people are getting treate-"


"Tsuyoi, Don't speak to them like that, its best if you go calm down outside" Tobirama says with a hard look.

"I'm leaving!" Tsuyoi yells stomping to his room.


"(D/n) you need to stop being to clingy to me, I have work to do you know" Izuna says looking at his young daughter.

She pouts but nods. Walking away to find you.

However you are in a meeting with the stupid Uchiha and Hyuuga elders.

"We need a boy, not some measly girl! Reproduce and have a boy!" The elders scream at you.

"Fuck you! My daughter will lead both clans! She is stronger than any boy ever could!" You yell in protest.

They all glare at you. Some activating there sharingan or Byakugon at you.

"As head of the Hyuuga I can do whatever the hell I want! I don't give 4 horse shits what you want!" You say sitting down with an angered expression.

The elders grumble and immediately start flocking out the door.

"Old geezers"

"Kaa-chan/Tou-san? D-do t-the c-clans h-hate me?" A small voice whimpers out from the other exit.

Your eyes widen and you turn your head quickly to see your young girl starting to cry.

"No, the don't they hate m-"

In a sudden minute (D/n) runs away sobbing and she starts to mask her chakra.

"Wait (D/n)!" You yell getting up and running after her. Only to lose her once she leads you to the crowded streets of Konoha.

"Man, fuck me sideways..." You whisper trying to look for her some more.

Yay, I got another chapter in. That's great. Anyways hope you enjoyed whatever this is.

610 Words

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