Hashirama Oneshot

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Overprotective!Hashirama x Reckless!Fem!Reader
Requested by: KawxiiYuri. This is a lime. Yeah. Here Tobirama is deathly sick. Why have I made the albino man sick? Because I can. Have fun reading.

2nd PoV

"Omg, did you hear about Tobirama?" A girl whispers to another.

"What happened to Senju-Sama?" The boy whisper asks.

"I found out Madara-Sama gave him a deadly poison..when Lord first found out he started to break things!" The girl whisper yells.

Your eyes widen. 'So that is way the others in the Anbu seemed relieved once I arrived at the village gate...I should hurry then You think.

'I was only gone for a week! Jeez...' you deadpan.

Anyways you arrive at the Hokages room and before you can even touch the door it slams open revealing a very pissed off Hashirama.

"Yo" You say tiredly as you yawn into your hand.

"Did...did you get any sleep?" Hashirama mumbles looking down.

"Nah, I came back as back as I could just to see you" You say with a grin. Hashirama blushes. "Anyways can we go inside the offic-"

"[L/n]-Sama! Do you want to go training with me?" Kagami Uchiha asks approaching you.
You turn your head slightly but before you could answer Hashirama gets in front of you.

"No" Hashirama answers with a glare toward the Uchiha.
"Oh, sorry for bothering you then" Kagami says with a bow and leaves.

"[Name], can we walk home together? I want to be with you right now" Hashirama asks giving you the puppy eyes.

"Damn it...why have you done this to me?" You mutter under your breathe. But you nod and throw yourself on Hashiramas back.

"Onwards my wonderful tree friend" You say in a very tired voice.

You hear a chuckle and you both start to walk to the shared house. It was secluded by some of the many trees. You honestly perfered not seeing a bunch of people so decided that place would be yours.

"Hey Hashirama, Why are you being..clingy today? You almost never hang out with a lonely Anbu Member" You ask putting your cheek on his back.

Hashirama stops and gives a glare at a certain chakra signal. You feel his rise in anger so doing what any person would do, you look over his shoulder only to see the one and Only Madara Uchiha.

"Man, he looks weird when your tired like Me...When did his forehead get so big?" You question.

Hashirama shrugs his shoulders and continues to walk pass Madara and toward your home.

Madara however grabs your hair and pulls it. You being too used to people pulling your hair to realize, doesn't react.

"Hm? Is my hair being pulled?" You ask stupidly. Already a couple inches away.

Hashirama looks over his shoulder and gives Madara a scary glare.

"Oh big hea-" before you can even finish your sentence Madara dissappears.

"Lets go home now..." You mutter half asleep already. However unknowingly your hot breathe is slowly turning Hashirama on.

"[Name] I want to tell you something" Hashirama says stopping infront of your shared house.

"Yeah?" You ask. In split seconds you are against the wall with your arms above your head.

"I love you, everytime I see you my heart skips a beat, everytime you smile I can't help but smile as well, I love you [Name] [L/n]..I want to marry you" Hashirama says with a red face.

"Hm, your cute when your as red as a tomato" You say admiring his features.

He smiles and starts to kiss your lips. You kiss back and 3njoy the softness in his lips.

'Maybe this is wrong...he is the Hokage' a small voice whispers.

'Nah, he is single and so am I' you argue with the voice.

After a couple of seconds more Hashirama pulls away and leaves you panting for air.

Of course he takes in your flustered state knowing only he will see it.

He smirks and gives your tongue a kiss. You turn even more red at the gesture.

"And people call me a tease..." you mutter under your breathe.

Hashirama only smirks and gives you a hug. You try to hug back but your arms give out leaving only your hands on his lower back.

"Will Tobirama be okay [N/n]?" Hashirama asks.

"Yeah, he is strong so He should live" You say resting your chin on his shoulder.

"Also, why are you so tall? What did your parents feed you" you ask practically climbing him to stay comfy on his shoulder.


771 Words

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