Izuna Oneshot

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Teacher!Izuna x Teacher!Fem!Reader
(Modern au!)
Requested by:Tobi785. You guys are teachers and are getting married. Enjoy!

2nd PoV

"(Name) stop moving! This is harder for me then it is for you!" Your best friend says zipping up your dress.

"Shut up you know its not! I'm the one in excruciating pain!" You counter squirming as you try on this new dress.

"Stop being dumb!" he yells as she gets half of the zipper up.

"You are the dumbass in this duo!" You yell pulling his hair gently.

"Coming from the dumbass who spent 4 something years just to teach brats and not make enough money!" he yells pinching your cheeks.

"Those brats are angels! They are so kind!" You defend your students.

"One of them continued to make fun of me! Then started to cry when I beat him up!" he yells.

"Ladies, Ladies, we came to see how (Name) looks in her wedding dress, in 7 days she is getting married" Mito says putting her hand on eachothers shoulder.

"Hmph!" You both hum looking away.

"Anyways, (Name) I think you should try on this one" Mito says pulling out a medium, white uhhh dress.

"It'll look good" Mito says patting your back.

"Fine..." You mutter.

"Honestly how are you a teacher?  You are so mean..." (Best/friends/Name) mutters like a baby.

"So are you! How are you a calm, and gentle librarian?" You ask pointing an accusing finger.

(B/f/n) sticks out his tongue.

"(Name)! Hurry up!" Mito yells from the dressing room.

"So (Name) is acting up hm?" Izuna asks from behind (b/f/n).

"Tell me again, how did you get a wonderfully stupid girl like her to fall hopelessly in love with you?" (B/f/n) asks with a glare.

"Hm, it happened when we both were on our way to our cars and we noticed eachother, she waved and I couldn't tell what she was saying but she was smiling brightly. It made my heart explode and we started to converse with eachother. I found out that her and I had a lot in common and asked for her phone number. After the about 2 months of just talking to eachother I confessed to her and we started to date then it all lead to when it was our 9 month anniversary being together that I proposed. Now here we are getting the last finishing touches" Izuna rambles on.

"Ew, LoVe..." (B/f/n) says scooting away from him.

Finally you come out looking stunning in your dress. "(Name)! You look like a hog! Say 'oink oink'!" (B/f/n) yells mimicking a pig.

"No, she looks beautiful" Izuna says walking up to your flustered self.

"You're not so bad yourself.." You mumble looking away.

"You think a grey shirt and shorts are attractive?!" (B/f/n) yells pointing looking Izuna up and down.

"Man maybe I should have tried that to get my girlfriend" He laughs.

"Shut up! This is about me dummy!" You yell bonking him on the head.

"Chill out!" He yells hiding behind Izuna.

"Anyways, I need to go check up on my wonderful girl! Be right back!" He yells skipping away to his mediocre, ugly, bitchy girlfriend.

Thats in your opinion. Because before you met Izuna, you met her and she started to curse at you IN FRONT of your students.

"Jeez what does he see in her? Haven't they been dating for 3 years?" Izuna sighs.

"I know right? Ugh she needs to shave that unibrow too" You mutter kissing Izuna everywhere.

"I can't wait to get married" Izuna says picking you up and twirling you in the air.

"Mhm!" You hum out.

At the wedding cause why not?


Alright! Let's do this!" You yell putting your fist in the air.

In a couple of minutes you are all prepared. The ugly guy that will walk you down the aisle is (B/f/n) since your dad and mom died when you had turned 19.

All of a sudden (B/f/n) screams. "W-what!? What happened!?" You yell.

"Its an ugly monster!" He yells starting to laugh.

"Whatever, now be nice to me for the rest of the day, it is my wedding after all" You say with a warm smile.

"Finnneee..." he mutters and let's you link elbows.

The music starts to play and he slowly walks you down the aisle.

'Man he is weird...' you deadpan mentally.

Eventually the vows are starting to be recited and you can see
(B/f/n) smiling just a bit.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest says moving out of the way.

Izuna and you get close and you both kiss each other gently.

Everyone starts to clap and the two of you walk out of the doors and enter a big limo.

"I love you (Name)" Izuna says resting his head on yours.

"I love you too" You mutter.

830 Words?

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