Hashirama Oneshot

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Hashirama with bullied!Blind!Son!Reader
Requested by: QueenRhubarb. This is a bit short but enjoy!

2nd PoV

You hate mondays. To you they are always the worst. Especially when you have to go to the academy.

You can't see the light at all. You only see darkness. Literally. You are blind. But your father, Hashirama Senju says you have the most prettiest eyes.

'Why have pretty eyes if I can't use them' was always something that went through your head when he told you that.

But a good thing about being blind is that your other senses are better than a lot of Shinobis.

You can feel the vibrations and pulses of people. You can somewhat see others chakras as well so it helps quite a bit.

Your father says you lost your sight because Madara Uchiha wanted pay back for what your dad did to him in the valley something something. He cut your eyes and made sure that you couldn't see.

"[Y/n]! Make sure you stay safe okay!" Pops says giving you a small head pat.

You nod and slowly walk to the academy. You don't care if you are late you just don't want to be there.

The reason being, bullies. But lucky for you you are able to dodge all their attacks due to how good at sensory you are.

'I hate being blind..' you mentally complain.

You arrive at the academy and groan. "Why do we have to do this? It would be easier if our parents taught us how to fight" You mumble entering the building.

You hear muffled voices everywhere and assume class has already started.

"[Y/n]! You are 10 minutes late! Why!?" A shinobi yells.

'Principal.' You note.

"Because I can't see so it will take me longer than others" You say with a bored tone.

"Do not talk back to me! Just becuase you are the son of the First Hokage doesn't mean you are better than everyone!" The principal yells.

"But I never said that I wa-"

"Get in class! NOW!" He screams.

You just sigh and enter your stupid class. You would much rather be with your father since he can teach you so much more than these people.

"Ah Mr. Senju, its good to see you made it to class" Your annoying ass teacher teases.

You just sit down next to your good friend, Hoshi Inuzuka. She herself can't think very well and tends to move in pure instinct. She gets hate from time to time for it but she always sticks by your side. She also has a puppy called Hikari.

"Look its the blind loser! I wonder what its like to see all the darkness in the world!" A boy yells out loud.

Hoshi growls at him but you just put your hand out signaling to stop.

"I see and you don't! Lord first must be ashamed to have a guy like you as a son!" Another yells laughing.

The class goes silent and you flare a little chakra. Your mother, Mito said not to flare too much because than the enemy will know how much chakra you have.

"At least my father isn't addicted to sake! You must have scars all over you body! I know what he does to you!" You yell.

The first kids chakra goes down and you hear a small, "fuck you too".

"[Y/n]! That is enough out of you! Apologize now!" The teacher yells.

You grumble keeping your eyebrows furrowed. You hated it when someone is unjust to you but all sweet to others. It just makes you want to tie them up and throw them into a pit of fire.

"Sorry" you mumble and keep your head down.

The teacher grumbles and starts the class.

"WeAk" a boy says from behind you.

"I bet I know what else is weak" you mutter with a smirk.

Hikari moves into your lap and whimpers a bit. You pet her until you calm down.

You hear the teacher say class dismissed and you frown. At the time from noon onwards is when the real bullying comes out.

"I bet you can't even use a jutsu!" Ugly bitc-Becky yells with a laugh.

Others start to laugh and you hear Hoshi groan in distaste. "Lets go [N/n], these people are assholes any way" she says helping you get up.

"I'm going to the training grounds Hoshi, I'll see you tomorrow" you say and start walking towards the training grounds.

'I don't want people to look down on me anymore! I want people to realize just how strong I can be! I'll get strong just like dad!' You mentally cheer.

You walk into the training grounds and prepare your hands and mind.

'I think a book said that in order to train and be strong I need to calm down and relax a bit' you think.

"Wood style: wooden dragons!" You yell. But the dragons come out looking like drunk snakes.

"Thats awesome!" You hear.

'2 voices' you note and recognize it to be your dad and Hoshi.

"Can we watch you [N/n]?" Hoshi asks quickly.

"Sure" you mumble.

864 words

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