Scenario: How You/he Confessed

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"Hashi-chan? Did you Finish your work?" You ask. He blushes and nods. You smile at his cute face. "Let's go somewhere in private" You say, dragging him out of the building and Infront of a Sakura tree.

Currently its flowers are slowly starting to come off which made it look even more prettier. It also made Hashi look like a dream you created.

"Hashirama, You have grown to be someone oh so very Important to me, and I want you to know whatever you answer with I will always be by your side, so that leads me to what my heart continues to tell me....I love you, and I love you so much I can't stop thinking about you" You say, concluding your speech.

Hashirama smiles at you and brings you into a hug.

"I love you too (F/n)" He says and kisses you softly on the lips.


"Oi, Senju Come with me" Madara ordered more then asked. You glare at him playfully but go back to reading.

He grunts at this and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder.

'Hashi and Tobi look ready to Pounce on him' You thought. But instead they(Tobi) glare daggers at him.

Madara on the other hand continues to walk and brings/carrys you to Holy Uchiha Grounds. Causing you to look at the back of his head curiously before almost breaking your neck.

"Senju!ILOVEYOU!" Madara says quickly.

Your eyes widened, but you smile softly at the man. You bring him close and place a hand on his cheek.

He looks at you with this unsure look on his face.

You laughed at him....and he glared at you.

Before he could leave heartbroken you brought his head down to your face and kiss him passionately on the lips. He gladly kisses back and you swear you could here Hashirama crying somewhere.

"I love you too, Uchiha-sama" You say, he smiles ever so slightly and brings you in for another kiss.


You recieve a note on your new desk.

(Mito has somehow convinced you to stay in Konoha as a main home for you. You agreed because then she would finally stop pestering you about it.)

The note itself has a small little Senju mark on it. Only proving it to either be Hokage-sama or Tobi-chan.

You open the note and it says.

'Dear (Y/n),
I apologize I can't say this in person. But I would like to tell you that you are so Kind and Respectful, Beautiful as well. I would like to tell you something. But I prefer to do it in person. Please go to the stream at 5 pm later today.'

You 'hm'med in acknowledgement and went on with your day.

When you had gotten home you dressed in a comfy aesthetic kimono and you walk to the Stream. Only while on the walk you realized that today was the celebration of when Konoha was made.

Some Ninjas were setting fire Jutsus to create lights in the night sky.

You went on and went to the Stream. There you see Tobirama with a bouquet of
(Favorite/Flowers). You see he is wearing a navy Blue Yukuza.

You blushed at him and Approach him.
"Hello (Y/n), How are you?" Tobi asks.
You blush slightly. "I am doing wonderful, But Tobi what is all of this?" You ask.

"(Y/n) the thing I need to tell you now is..." the Lights in the Sky start to go off and they look like stars. They also reflect in the little stream making everything look like a Dream.

"I love you" Tobirama says. You blush and bring him close, and then the 2 of you kiss. It was a gentle, slow and loving kiss.

"I love you too My little Snowflake" You say with a smile on your face.


"Izuna, I need to tell you something now" You say. He looks up at you and nods, and he Turns his body towards you.

"I need to go to a long mission" You say. You can see his face turn into a sad or disappointed look.

"I want to tell you another thing as well" You say again. "You don't need to go on the mission anymore?" He asks.

You shake your head and bring your face close to his and kiss him gently on the lips. His eyes widened but he kissed you back immediately.

"I know about your little crush on me" You say, smirking. He turns his head from you, but you can tell he is pouting.

"Don't worry, I also like you so do not fear rejection" You say. You almost sound like a professional.

He turns back to you and swoops in to steal a kiss from you.

"Make it back safely, okay?" He whispers hugging you around the neck.

You smile and nod. Kissing him on the cheek, you poof away. Leaveing a Blushing (and a little bit of a sad) Izuna by himself.

This made me feel so single. Sorry if Tobi's is too long. I just thought since he gives me ✨Gentlman✨ vibes he would do something gentlemen-ish. Hope you enjoyed though!

875 words

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