Madara Oneshot!

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Madara x Senju!Fem!Reader
Arranged Marriage
Requested by:dexine321.
TW: Swearing

2nd PoV

"Hey [Name] I want to talk to you..." Hashirama says as he opens your rooms door.

You nod and put away your writing brush. Tobirama had worked himself so hard that he was out like a light once he went to your futon.

As much as you loved Tobirama favoring you over Hashirama you found it a little annoying how he would randomly throw himself on top of your Futon.

Once you found out how much Tobirama had actually had to do you didn't quite mind and decided to help with the Paperwork part.

The only reason why you don't have nearly half the work your brothers have is because Your father said that women are supposed to work in the house. But you actually have the Mukuton just like Hashirama.

"Anija? What's the matter?" You ask as you both start to walk around the property.

"[Name]...The Senjus and Uchihas had a meeting and we came to a conclusion that you will Marry Madara" Hashirama says while looking at you dead in the ground.

"But...Why me? Why not Toka or (R/n)?" You ask completely confused.

"Because they aren't very...special, Father said you are like a gem that no one can, Why not offer that Gem to one that can be our ally?" Hashirama says caressing your face.

"Hashi...Whatever" You mumble and walk back to your room where a sleeping Tobirama is.

"That didn't go well did it?" Madara asks as he enters the Hallway Hashirama is in.

"This is for the good of the clan" Hashirama mumbles over and over.

"If you don't treat her like the Goddess she is I will personally kill you and your whole clan" Hashirama says with a hard glare.

Madara returns the glare but with less ferocity. 'Who knew this idiot would care that much...' Madara mentally deadpans.

Timeskip to when you get married and blah blah blah

"[Name], Meet Madara Uchiha the man you have married" A stupid elder says introducing you 2 to eachother.


"Good you both will get along, now run along and do whatever you youngers do" the elder says and swats the 2 of you away.

"You look so weak woman" Madara says intantly looking his new wife up and down.

"You look like a Man whore" You say back with a sassy face.

"Remember who has the chakra lady" Madara warns completely oblivious to the amount of chakra you learned to hold back.

"Remember who will be cooking your meals, if your not careful you might die of a bitchy disease" You counter.

You both give each other hard glares. "I like you woman, Let's get to know eachother shall we?" Madara says with a small grin.

You roll your eyes but oblige.
Soon enough you find out he isn't half bad and actually start to enjoy the bonding moment.

"[Naaaaammmmmeeeeeee]!!!!!!! Dont haate meeeee!!!!" The big bright ball of sunshine yells as he throws himself on top of you.

"Gah! Hashirama! Your heavy!" You yell as you fall to the ground.

Tobirama glares at both the Uchiha male and the Senju clan leader.

"I thin...k I'm d...ying" You breathe out and pretend to faint.

"Nooooo!!!! [Name]! I didn't get to see any nieces or nephews!" Hashirama sobs.

You both laugh at how stupid you two are.

Madara gives you a very amused smirk and walks over behind you.

Suddenly he sucks on your neck. You gasp at the feeling and squirm a little.

"How amusing, you and I will have an intresting adventure together" Madara says holding your hand and giving it a kiss.

"Maybe I wont hate this as much as I thought I would" you say caressing his face with the same hand.

End.                                642 Words

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