Madara Oneshot🍋

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Killer!Madara x Manipulater!Sub!Reader
(Modern Au)
Requested by: XxHayami_UchihaxX.
I think yall like Madara too much...That's not Normal ya know. Anyways have a lemon!
TW: Swearing, Lemon, and killing

Your PoV

"Hey [F/n]! I was wondering if you can take over my shift" My coworker, (Lazy/ass/hoe) says putting his arm over my shoulder.

"But I ha-"

"Please, please, please?!" He shouts. 'This man...cut me off...'

"I guess, that's what friends are for right?" I say with an evil-ish look.

He smiles and runs off somewhere. 'This hoe really is stupid hm?' I start to hum as I continue to work. Eventually it becomes the end of the day and everyone prepares to leave.

As I start to walk down the street I hear a voice. "[F/n], why do you continue to manipulate them?" The voice asks.

"Hm? Oh well because it makes things easier for me, why should I care about them if they are just pawns on my chest board" I say with a smirk.

"Come out, we have things to do and it would be a pain for me to do this alone" I complain.

"Needy Woman, your lucky I love you, now let's get started" Madara says as he emerges from the darkness.

"So how did Hashiramas meeting go?" I ask as I start to remove the office clothing revealing a black suit and wonderous red tie. I take my hair out of (Hair/style) and it is let loose. (Consider it cross-dressing if you don't like it, personally I love females in suits)

When I turn back to Madara I see his wide smirk. "Don't worry dear, you can get some of this after we finish" I say with a teasing look.

He sighs and nods and we start to walk into the alley where the victim is supposedly at.

When we arrive we see poor, poor (Lazy/ass/hoe) knocked out. "Hm, My guess is that he kills himself by shooting himself in the head and bleeding out to death" I say as I spoke him with the heel of my shoe.

"You heard them! Let's do this!" Izuna says.

I smile and give Izuna a patt on the head. "Thanks bro" I say and walk towards Madaras.

"[F/n], come with me" Mada says and pulls me towards the bedroom.

⚠️Lemon⚠️ 2nd PoV

Madara quickly pushes You on the bed and we start to kiss.

'His lips are oddly soft, and sweet' you mentally say.

After your Make out session you 2 start to undress yourselves. But you latch yourself onto his chest and start kissing, sucking, and biting everywhere.

"Mmm~" Madara hums. You grin but before you could do anything else Madara tips your undergarments off and it leaves you completely exposed.

"My my, look how wet you are for me [F/n]~" Madara teases.

You give him a glare and gently tug on a loose strand of hair.

"Hmph, Let's do this~" Madara says and removes his pants thingies and it exposes his log.

You grin and open your legs so it exposes your coochie.

"What a good slut you are~" Madara praises and slams into you.

"Gah!!!~~~" You scream, tears starting to well do to the sudden thingie inside your coochie.

"Shh, or else the others might hear us~" Madara whispers in your ear.

You sigh and nod. After a moment or so you give him the okay to continue and Mans starts to slam into you like there is no tomorrow.

20 minutes later

After you release your baby making juices for the 10th time Madras thrusts start to get sloppy and you feel his branch start to get uh tinier?

"I'm going to release inside you~" Madara mumbles and you nod, completely content with having a serial killers child in your womb.

As Madara said he releases his fluids inside you and exits.

⚠️End of Lemon⚠️

"I'm tired" You complain and get inside the sheets ready to pass out.

"Hn, good night..." Madara mumbles and goes to lay down next to you.

"Night" You whisper and pass out.


697 Words

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