Tobirama Oneshot🍋

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Tobirama x Uzumaki!WolfFem!Reader
Requested by:199824maeg. For lack of creativity I have granted you the power to transform into a wolf. Did I make Tobirama a horny bitch? Yes I did.

2nd PoV.

"[Name]! Don't do that!" A very worried voice yells.

You look down from your very high spot on your tree. It is the tallest tree in Konoha and you love climbing it.

You see a white haired man and Hashirama. You scoff slightly but the tiny visible part of your tail moves in amusement.

You jump down and your landing creates a small crater. "Hashirama who is that?" You ask pointing at the man.

He has white hair and three red lines on his face. He also has red eyes like the sharingan the Uchiha clan has.

You note every bit of his appearance and you notice how he frowns at you.

You remember that you are still in your half transformation and turn fully back into your human version.

"Ah, right [Name] this is my little brother Tobirama" Hashirama introduces.

"Brother?! He doesn't even look like you!" You yell doubting the poor brunet.

"I am an Albino wolf" Tobira says with a glare. You glare back but smirk after a couple of minutes.

"Definitely polar opposite from you tree-mama" you mutter walking around and looking at him from different angles.

"You do not act like Mito at all" Tobirama says bluntly. You look at his ass before looking back up at his eyes.

"You have a pretty body and act differently from tree-mama, I like you" you say with a grin.

Tobirama backs away from you and looks you up and down. "You have an athletic body and act nothing like Mito, you need manners" He says with stern eyes.

"Why does everyone compare ME to that Bitch?!" You yell out loud putting your hands on your head.

Hashiramas eyes widen and he coughs awkwardly. You look at him and notice a shadow behind directly covering you.

You scoff and glare at the person who is none other than Mito. She gives you a stern glare and pulls you by your (human) ear.

You let her drag you and you feel the curiosity in both the brothers chakra.

"[Name]...I understand you dislike me but you mustn't make me look bad in the public" Mito says pushing you behind a tree.

You feel her start to pull your hair and you glare at her. Your instincts starting to get the better of you and your ears and tail starts to appear.

She smirks and starts pulling your wolf ear. You growl and instently try to bite her arm.

She moves her hand from your ear to your throat. Causing you to be pushed back against the tree.

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