Scenario:Your death pt. 1

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"Itama! Lets go! I want to teach you how to create my secret jutsu!" Hashirama yells.

You smile as Itama happily follows her father.

"Oh wait, Taida!(her boyfriend) Stay with your soon to be Kaa-chan! You can bond with her some more!" Itama yells.

Taida nods and looks at you with a shy smile. "Taida, do you know how to cook and clean properly?" You ask. He looks at you with a blank face before shaking his head.

You smile and grab his hand and bring him inside. "Itama will probably want to become hokage so you will need to help her out" You say and start to teach the male how to make Itamas favorite meals.

While you are showing him how to cook the window suddenly breaks causing you to instantly turn the fire off.

"Taida, go get back up, the chakra in this house is sinister" you order.

The male nods and disappears. You grab your kunai and prepare your chakra.

"My, my you are so smart considering you are a house wife" a voice says.

'Sound ninja' you conclude.

"But then again you are the Namikaze advisor" it says coming out of the shadows.

"What is your business here?" You ask your voice sounding like it can kill a man. He shudders and you feel his chakra jump with joy.

"I want to hurt the Hokage, and what more to hurt his beloved wife" it says.

"Perhaps you are stupid, Did you forget who the God of shinobi is?" You ask with a deadpany voice.

It just chuckles and tries to attack you. You know that people from the sound are able to hurt you even if they don't physically touch you.

You dodge and start to attack.You had stabbed a bunch of kunais into him and eventually it dies.

"My chakra is lower than expected..." you mutter leaning against a wall for support.

"The fight only lasted about 10 minutes, but that was brutal" another voice says.

"You should have known that this man would have come with back up, you are one of the smartest in the hidden leaf village" the voice says.

You roll your eyes and feel familiar chakras coming fast towards you.

"I'm not stupid, but I know you 3 are" You say with a smile and instantly you activate the trap you created just in case something was to happen.

In seconds the other 3 that was alive is on the floor beheaded.

You smile as you feel accomplished to win the fight. You slump down to the ground and close your eyes.

"I LOVE YOU ALL! BECOME STRONG!" You yell as the chakras enter the house.

You die there with a smile and a couple of tears falling down your cheek.

"KAA-CHAN!!!" Itama screams cuddling your cold and lifeless body.


"(___)!! MADARA AND HASHIRAMA ARE FIGHTING!" Izuna yells bursting into your office.

Your eyes widen and instantly Harishan to Hashiramas armor.

"What do you think you are doing?" You ask looking down on the two.

"I'm leaving the village! And I will destroy it! You, or him will not stop me!" Madara yells.

"(___)! Stay out of this I am Hokage not you!" Hashirama yells.

They both continue with their fighting and you start to summon your chakra spear.

You wait for an opening and they both start summoning more chakra.

'Its the kyuubi!' You yell in your head and look at it. It looks at you with anger then you realize it is under the Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Kyuubi, you better behave after this" you mutter and appear behind madara.

"Love, Go back to (S/n) he is only 16 he needs you" you mutter and peirce him with the spear.

He turns his head towards you, his eyes wide. "I thought you loved me" he mutters before his eyes turn back to normal and the Sasuno disappears.

The kyuubi glares at you and you look at it with hardened eyes.

Hashirama runs to you and Madaras body starts to move on its own.

"die!!" A different voice yells and it pulls the chakra spear out and throws it Hashirama.

You glare at him and punch him hard enough to make the spear land around Hashiramas feet.

'Madara' summons a smaller sasuno and it impales you right in the chest.

"(___)!!!" Hashirama screams, grabbing the spear and stabbing Madara in the back.

"I'm dear Ototo...I'll t..ell..Kawarma and amazing you" You say coughing out blood and closing your eyes.

"Watch over (S/n)..please" you say giving him a final smile.

"Later..bro" and with that you slump onto Madara sasuno and die.

790 Words🙃

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