Tobirama Oneshot

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Tobirama x Nara!Blunt!Fem!Reader

3rd person

Nara (F/n) is currently painting with her friend, Yamanaka (B/f/n)

"Nara-Sama you are needed at the Hokage tower" An Anbu says.
"What a drag, alright I will be there soon" You say.

(B/f/n) hits You on your head. "Don't say that! It could be something really important!" She scolds. "Like what? Discussing the plan to make peace with Kumogakure?(Cloud village)"

"Whatever! Just go! I'll hang out with Akimichi-Kun! Hurry up!" (B/f/n) yells and starts to push poor Nara-Sama towards the door.

"Fine, fine, I'm off" You say as You walks towards the Hokage tower.

When You gets there

"Yo, you needed somethi-..." The Nara asks. There (F/n) Nara sees Hashirama Senju, the 1st Hokage crying in a corner with the Senju heir looking away from Lord 1st with crossed arms. Glaring at the wall.

"....Nope" You say and closes the door and walks away. "Nara-Sama!!! Its been so looong!!! How are ya?!" The overly-hyper Hyuuga Prince asks.

"You're to loud" You Mumble and continues to walk to the roof of the Hokage Tower.

"Where are we going??? Can you give me a kiss? It'll strengthen the bonds of the Hyuuga and Nara clan!" The Prince says.

You turns around and gives him a 'What the fuq?' Look. "No, go hang out with your fiance, I am busy" You says in absolute disgust.

"Nara (F/n), You are needed in the Meeting room" a Summon says. "What a drag, Scram trouble some Male" You say and the Prince runs away sobbing.

When she gets to the meeting room

"Hokage-sama, Senju-....what the fuck?" You cuts yourself off due to the fact that there are flower petals everywhere, moss on trees, a table for 2, a candle in the middle and Uchiha-Sama and Hokage-sama in a Suit.

"Am I under a Genjutsu?" You asks yourself. Then you sees Tobirama Senju in a fancy Yukuta, with a red face and flowers behind his back.

"....Am I interrupting something?" You asks. Hashirama laughs and starts to push you towards Tobirama.

Then it came to you. 'Madara-Sama and Lord 1st are Tobiramas wing men!' You mentally exclaims.

"Nara-San, take a seat" Tobirama says. You Obliges and sits down tempted to blow the candle.

"I asked you here today because I want to confess something to you" He continues. You on the other hand is counting the words.

"Right, can you keep this under 20 words?" You asks. Madara sighs and glares at the Nara Leader.

Tobiramas eyes widen but nods. "I have been having more than mutual feelings for you and I would like you to bear my children"

Madara starts to laugh and Hashirama face palms. You give him a 'What a drag' face.

"What a drag..." You mumble as you start to eat the warm food.

Madara continues to laugh and Hashirama gives Tobi a look of 'Hurry! Make a conversation!'.

"S-so what were you doing before you got here?" Tobi asks clearly nervous.

"Hm? Oh I was running away from the Hyuuga Prince" You say as you continue to eat. You havent eaten since dawn and you are hungry.

You see a flash of jealousy and anger in Tobiramas eyes but decide not to question it. "I see, Would you like to hang out later Tomorrow?" Tobi asks.

You shrug and nod. "Eh, Sure sounds fun, also I suppose I want to bear your children" Your shadow clone says and it poofs away.

"She tricked us!" Hashirama yells and gives off a depressed vibe. Tobirama unconsciously smiles and you smirk looking up at the Hokage tower.

'Tomorrow will be a fun one' You say and walk off like the boss you are.

I have finished The chapter! Small warning, Since I don't feel like writing the Birth giving chapter I will do another Oneshot! It'll be of Madara and take note it will be a angsty one!

675 Words

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