Izuna and Madara Oneshot🍋

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Madara x Childish!Eater!Fem!Reader x Izuna
Requested by: Uchihas_queen. This is not an incest chapter! They are sharing you and will not touch eachother. Also you will be extremely stupid and this is sorta cliche.

2nd pov

"Hey you! Who are you and why have you come here!?" An Uchiha guard yells at you.

"So...hungry..." You mumble and fall to the ground.

The Uchiha guard slowly walks towards you and pokes you gently with a sword. You don't move so he picks you up and brings you to the pantry and tries you up.

Later when you wake up you see all the fruits inside. "Woah! They look so good!" You yell and quickly break the ropes and start biting into the fruit.

"Mmm! So lucky I ran into that really nice guy!" You say through chews and swallows.

"Oi, who the hell are you?" A voice asks. You turn around and see a dude with freakishly weird hair.

"Hm? Oh I'm (Name) Tenassaki of the Tenassaki clan!" You say as you continue to eat the fruits.

"Would you stop eating the fruit!?" The guy yells.

"And there is no such thing as A Tenassaki clan!" The guy yells again.

You shrug at him and continue to eat.

"Hey, since I told you my name will you tell me yours?" You ask as you look at him with a tangerine in your hand.

"Tch, I'm (Uchiha/whatever), My goal is to be number one!" He says with a proud face.

"That's cool I guess, Hey can you show me around too? I'm sorta lost" You say with a large smile.

He gives you a look of disgust and walks away. You laugh loudly and follow him.

"Woah! Look there is so many pretty people!" You say happily.

"Will you shut the hell up?! I can get in trouble for this!" He whisper shouts.

"(U/w). Who is this?" A voice asks.

You turn around and see a guy with long long hair and a guy with long but not to long hair.

"Woah! He looks so cool! Is he strong?" You ask dumbly.

"(Name)! You are going to get me killed!" (U/w) whispers.

"Really? Your a wimp huh?" You say with a smile.

The Uchihas around drop their jaw in shock. 'Who is this bitch and how can she take so lightly one if the strongest fighters in the clan?' Was what was going through their mind.

"(U/w) I wont ask again, who is this?" The long long haired dude asks.

You look at him with a cheery smile. "I'm (Name) Tenassaki! Who are you?" You ask while pointing at him.

"Tch, I'm Madara Uchiha. This is My brother Izuna Uchiha" He says proudly.

"Wait...So I'm in the Uchiha clan area? Oh man! Rory would get so mad!!" You say.

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