Scenario: You/he wants Kids! Pt1🍋

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Hashirama (Your PoV)

"Hashi, I want to ask you something" I say.

"Yes Blossom?" He says. I slightly blush at him.

"Can...We have a child?" I ask. He clearly turns red which only makes me blush harder.

"Sure, l-lets go to the room" He stammers.


We go inside the room and immediately I get pushed against the wall and we start to have deep make out session. "H-hashi~" I moan. I start to leave hickeys and love Mark's all over his neck. I bite his neck.

"(F/n)!~" he moans. I smirk and continue to abuse that certain part of his neck. I can feel his erected dick rub against me but I feel something crawl inside of me.

"A-ah!~" I moan as the vine inside me starts to vibrate. "H-hashi!~" I lean against Hashirama and moan his name.

"Don't worry blossom~, I am just preparing you~" he whispers in my ear. In a quick 'Swoof' our clothes are off and I am under Hashi on our shared Futon. "Let me handle this, okay Blossom? Just relax" he says with a small smile. I nod still a blushing, moaning mess.

I feel the thing get thrusted out of me. "Ah!~" I moan loudly. "I'm going in" Hashi says and thrusts deep inside me. "A-aaahh~!" I start to latch on to Hashi as he slowly but steadily thrusts inside me.

"Faster!" I demand. He chuckles and starts to thrust in this inhuman speed causing me to moan and scream in pleasure.

"H-hashi!!! I-I'm-!" "I know Blossom, s-so am I" he grunts out.

We both come at the same time and lay down in exhaustion.

⚠️End of Lemon⚠️

"Thank you Hashi" I mumble out as I hug him. He gives me a hug back. "Mhm, no problem" Then we both fall asleep.

Madara (your PoV! I made you a male! I'm sorry!)

Today is my day off and Love decided that I should stay home and relax. I agreed because I have been doing all nighters and want to give my lovely Husband the attention he deserves.

"Love? Why are we against a wall?" I ask. He almost turns red but continues to..Smirk? Is that what Hashi called it? I'll have to ask him.

"I want you to fill me with your kids!" Madara yells.

I look at him and I feel his thingie poking me. "Hm, I see~" I say.

Most people wouldn't think a Person like Myself isn't good at this stuff. When in reality I am more perverted than all of them.

I push him off of me and Push him against the wall.


I start to kiss him passionately and he moans inside of my mouth. I then start abusing Madara's neck with kisses and love bites.

"Your moans are so cute~ oh my look at that Lewd face dear~, do you really want me this bad?~" I tease. I see his tent growing more and more. I slip a hand inside and Madara gasps. I immediately feel a liquid on my hands.

My hands gently strokes his Dick and and his mouth falls open. I take this to my advantage and kiss him more passionately.

"Would you like me to prepare you?~" I ask. As much of a pervert that I am I want to make sure he feels well and not in pain.

He moans as a answer. "Alright~" I say. I grab one of the swords I have And I put the handle inside of My love. He gasps and I gently start to move it. He came again but this time I licked it off my hands.

He moans loudly. "N-no more teasing! I want you!" He whines. I chuckle at him. I swiftly remove the sword and tose it.

"I am entering" I mumble. My big dick slams into him and he moans louder than the rest.

I smirk and play with His nipples. I lick them, kiss them bite them. They look so plump I think milk might come out. He comes again and I lick his chest.

"M-move!" He demands. I start to pound into my Husband and he is moaning like crazy.

I pick his legs up and push him against the wall. I let him fall and I hit his prostrate easily. "A-aaahh!!!~~~" he moans as he grips my back even harder. He comes again and I catch it mid air and swallow it all.

"What a dirty little slut~, maybe I should do this to you some more~ You want my Cum dont you?~ I will fill you so bad that you won't be able to walk for 2 weeks~" I flirt as I continue to pound him harder.

We stop at round 13. Both of us tired and ready to pass out. I end up coming a few times. All inside Madara.

⚠️End Of Lemon⚠️

"I'm sorry Love, I didn't mean for you to get hurt" I say as I kiss Madara gently. It's been a couple of hours since... that. And Mada continues to complain about how sore he is.

"I'm toping you next time!" He says. I chuckle at him. "Are you sure you don't want my dick rubbing and pounding your oh so tight ass-pussy? Didn't it feel good letting someone devour you whole?~" I whisper in his ear.

His face turns a crimson red and he looks away.

I hum in content.

Ah! Sorry this is late! I found it hard to write this....thing. Plus I think Madas Scenario was really... steamy? I plan on making Tobi's and Izunas Scenarios next just be patient!

958 words~

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