Hashirama Oneshot!🍋

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Hashirama x Nara!Fem!Reader
Requested By: Burnt_Toasty. This takes place after His and Madaras fight. Hope you enjoy!

Authors PoV

"Anija! What happened!? Where is your armor?!" Tobirama yells getting infront of his brother.

"I...have killed Madara" Hashirama announces quietly.

"I see, would you li-"
"Where is my wife Tobirama?" Hashirama interrups.

"Tch, she is in your separated property....she is probably sleeping like the rest of her clans men" Tobirama says in annoyance.

Honestly, he dislikes the very thought of (Name). He thinks she is lazy and doesn't get anything done. But he doesn't tell Hashirama that because of the look Hashirama gets when he see her.

"Oh, thank you Tobirama...I will be taking a vacation from working for the next few days" Hashirama says while walking away.

With you, 2nd PoV

You were....looking at the clouds outside and occasionally looking at the entrance in hopes your husband came home.

Of course you knew how envious people were of you. What you would normally do in response is roll your eyes and smirk, then say 'you are being a drag...maybe I should knock some sense into you' in a specific voice.

Of course you knew when to stop and when to punch a bitch, especially if they bring in your dead elder brother into the conversation.

Anyways you felt footsteps approaching you and decided to look who it was.

"Oh good you are back, I was starting to get wor-" you cut yourself off once you feel Hashiramas face in your shoulder and wetness.

"What a drag...are you okay?" You ask quietly rubbing his back and his head.

"I actually killed him...he was a great friend..." Hashirama whispers, crying some more.

"I know" You say.

"He was the first friend I ever made outside of the clan"

"I know"

"He was like my brother"

"I know"

"Why did he have to do this!? I just wanted to for fill our dream!" Hashirama sobs gripping your back.

You start to walk him inside once you see faces coming inside the property.

"Hashirama...people change..." You mutter hugging him closely.

"Sometimes they willingly change, but other times its people who change them" You mutter combing your hand through his hair.


In a heartbeat you feel biting and sulking on your neck and shoulder.

"Mmm~ What a d-drag" You stutter. 'Apparently I can stutter now..'

"Hashi...what are you do-Mm!~" you get cut off by a tongue shoving itself inside your mouth.

You unconsciously flinch at the feeling but melt into the kiss. When you open your eyes you see a VERY dominant, sex wanting Hashirama.

You pull away for air and a string of saliva is left connecting you two.

"What a drag..." You breath out.

"If you continue to say that I'll have to punish you~" Hashirama says giving you a wink.

"As much as I love you, We shouldn't do it...you are still upset over Madara" You say turning your head away.

Hashirama smirks and licks your flushed cheeks. "Please? It will be like a stress reliever for both of us~" Hashirama pleads.

"Fine...just don't be a bother tomorrow" You say letting him carry you to the bedroom.

Hashirama gently throws you on the bed and starts to strip slowly.

You roll your eyes and also start to strip but quicker in hopes to be asleep within an hour or so.

Eventually he gets on top of you and starts to kiss everywhere. You roll your head back at the satisfying feeling.

"Haa~ Hashirama...~" You breathe out.

You bite down on his neck causing him to gasp. "Hurry up..." You mutter rubbing your foot on his member.

"(Name), I lOve you~" Hashirama moans out.

You nod and lift your legs up so he can have better thrusts.

"H-hurry up already...You are being a Dra-" before you can even finish your sentence Hashirama thrusts hard into you.

"Ah!~" You moan immediately gripping the sheets.

Hashirama starts railing your shit and you orgasam quite a bit.

After the 9th round

"(Name)! I'm going to cum inside!" Hashirama announces.

"Hurry up...!" You demand.

Finally he comes inside and topples into your chest.

⚠️Lemon has ended⚠️

"Thanks (N/n)...I love you so much" Hashirama says cuddling you.

"Uh-huh, Now go to sleep.." You mutter falling asleep in his arms.


After you wake up in the morning only to see no Hashirama next to you.

You roll your eyes and put on his big ass shirt.

You walk to the kitchen only to see a sulking Hashirama and a house fire.

"Really?" You ask as you rub your eye.

"(N/n)!!! Help!!" Hashirama cries.

"Yeah yeah"

796 Words

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