Hashirama Oneshot 🍋

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Hashirama x Uchiha!Pervert!Fem!Reader
NSFW but also cute Alphabet. I tried and If you don't like it there is a 'special' surprise. Sort of a story. TheSinOfLust-

You have no idea how many times I had to sing the alphabet to write the letters down. Also You will act nothing like how an Uchiha acts. Why? Because I said so.


You look at Hashiramas Ass while he stands and looks outside the window.

You decide to do something that you are very much known for.

You smack his ass....He jumps and turns a nice shade of pink. "[Y-Y/n]!" He exclaims. You giggle and run away with him chasing after you.


"Hashi~ I want to give you a blow job~" You say randomly at dinner.

He turns red and looks at you with shy eyes. He might be your husband but he just cant get used to your perverted comments or desires.


"Hashi, Did the sun just come out or did you just smiled at me?" You ask as you hug Hashi from behind.

"[Y/n]-chan that was cringe..." Hadhi complains.


You burst through the bathroom door, absolutely breaking it. "Hashi, do you know how •hard• it is to make a dick joke?" You ask.

He turns pink and looks away from you.


"Hashi!! Let me educate you on sex!~" You groan because you are a horny bitch.

He gives you a very flustered face and turns away.


"Hashi! Fuck me so hard I can't walk!" You whine out of nowhere.

Hashi covers your mouth because yall are at a Sakura tree forest. "[Y-Y/n]..." He mumbles as he gives you a peck on the lips.


"Gah~" You groan as you accidentally cut yourself.

Hashirama inwardly was getting turned on by your perverted ways.


"hAsHi! LeTs dO iT tOnIgHt!" You say in a bit of a slur. You had a contest with Madara and you ended up losing and getting wasted.

He sighed and carried you back to the Compound you 2 share.


"I love you~" You mumble while you cuddle into Hashirama.

He chuckles and plays with your hair. You can practically feel his blinding smile.

"I love you too [Y/n]" He says and you slowly but surely start to fall asleep.


"Jackass!!! What is wrong with you!?" You yell at Madara, as you hold a very injured Hashirama.

"[Y/n] We were never close siblings, I only pretended to like you to manipulate you" He said and walked away.

"tch, Bullshit" You mumble and pick up Hashirama and carry him all the way back to Konoha.


"Hashi! I saved you I deserve a Kiss now!" You whine.

Hashirama reluctantly obliges and gives you a sweet kiss.

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