Hashirama and Tobirama oneshot pt. 2

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Hashirama x Tobirama x Blunt!Cold!Fem!Reader
Requested by:BlueMonkey1507. This is part 2 of the Oneshot. Yeah. Italics are you remembering or reminiscing about something. Enjoy

2nd PoV

After you explained your problems You notice that Hashirama is crying in a childish way.

"Thats so sad! I'm sorry
[Y/n]-chan!" He says throwing himself on you.

"Anija, avoid suffocating her pleace" Tobi-man says with bored eyes.

"Lets go meet Madara! He would love to meet our new edition!" Hashi-dude screams starting to drag you to the Uchiha compound.

You let it happen because you didn't know what else to do. 'This place is way too friendly..' you deadpan mentally.

"We're here! Madara! Come out!" Hashirama yells dropping you on the floor.

"Ow damn it, that hurt" You mumble rubbing your back. Tobirama helps you up while Hashirama starts looking for the 'madara' person.

"What!? I'm bus-who is that?" A man with long weird hair says.

"He looks homeless" You say pointing at him. Tobirama and Hashirama laughs and the other people glare at you.

'This place is weird..it looks like the people are happy but they are laying on the ground dead' You mentally say.

"I am Madara Uchiha, Leader of the Uchiha clan, who the hell are you?" Mada-guy says.

"She is Betrayer, but her real name is [Y/n] (L/n)" Hashirama introduces.

"Uchihas?" You ask with a certain glare.

My sister. Killed. The one everyone considered an angel. Killed by Uchiha blood. Ash Uchiha is her murderer. She was the one who made my life hell.

You stare at a certain raven haired woman who seemed to look scared.

"Hn, why are you looking at that woman?" Mada-guy asks.

"She killed my sister" you say pointing at her with killing eyes.

Everyone backed away from you. Everyone feeling the killing intent. "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life" You recited as you follow the terrified woman.

"[Y/n]!" You hear. You even feel arms rap around you. But you shrug it off and activate your jutsu.

"Probability change: the chances of you surviving is 0" you say pointing at the weeping woman.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (Sisters/Name) was evil! I swear! I had to kill her-I didn't mean to cause you any harm! Please I'm sorry! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" She wails.

The Uchiha men glare at her and look away. "An Uchiha must take their death if they have ever killed anyone, they must realize that you must day eventually" Madara says standing next to you.

You hold the woman by her neck and look at her with disgust. "You are worse than the pigs outside, someone like you doesn't deserve to see or breath" You say touching her eyes.

"Die with the dogs" You curse and take her eyes out. You give them to Madara and throw her where the hungry animals usually are.

"I like you" He says with a smirk.

"So do the other two, keep up" You say before turning away like a boss.

You pass most of the people. Not giving them even a second to look at you.

"[Y/n] was that really necessary?" Hashirama asks sweat dropping.

"If you got the chance to take revenge for someone killing your brothers wouldn't you take it?" You ask looking wt him with happy eyes.

You feel proud to hear that whores screams. It makes you want to laugh. But you didn't because you would be labeled 'sadistic' or whatever.

Some woman start to throw themselves on the two men and you roll your eyes.

'Woman who seek lust are worst than the mutts' you internally cringe as they start to move closer to them.

The both look to you for help and you sigh.

"Uglys," you say getting their attention easily.

"He doesn't want to bang you, I should hang you" if you know, you know. You say shrugging them off.

"Who do you think you are!?!?" They scream.

"[Y/n]" You answer kicking them all away.

"We are saved!" Hashirama cheers pulling you and Tobirama into the shared house.

688 words

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