Madara Oneshot🍋

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Sub!Madara x Dom!Reader
A NSFW Alphabet chapter. Requested by: x_Militakiki_x and tabvvy. Uhm, you might also have a toy collection of you know. Please do NOT request anymore of these NSFW Alphabet chapters...Sorry I just don't like the way it is set up.

Also Just a friendly reminder to stay healthy and try not to mess up your sleeping schedule even more. -Author


Madara looked You up and down with a reddish face. You did the same because your reasoning is 'why not?'.

"Ah, ah, ah I wouldn't do that Mada~" You whisper in his ear.

Madara turns away and mumbles a small 'Leave me alone'.

You chuckle at his reaction and go to get something....useful for the night.


"[Y/n] is so...bold..." Madara says to himself as he tries to pay attention to the stack of paper work.


"Hm, I kinda wish I could see Madara but he is probably busy" You mumble to yourself as you continue to paint (Whatever you want to paint).


"[Y/n], this might sound crazy but do you have a dick?" (R/n) asks. You give him s long stare then a shrug.

"I guess you could say that, I'm non-binary(?)" You say and walk away from the guy.


"I have had Enough of the silent treatment Mada has been giving me" You mumble and hurry to get the se-er Toys.


"Fuck I have been ignoring [Y/n]..." Madara mumbles to himself as he puts away the last few pieces of Paper in a cabinet.


"[Y/n]....Why do you have so many toys? You got guts don't you?" (R/n) says as he stays at the door frame.

"Maybe~" You say and continue to organize the toys.


"Hashirama, the hell are you doing outside my window?" You ask the Hokage.

He jumps and falls off the branch he was on. 'Why would he want to spy on me?' You thought.


"I am doomed..." Madara mumbles covering his face with his gloved hands.

Hashirama patts his best friend on the back. "There there"


"Should I just seduce him into letting me have Sex with him or should I-"

"Honey, I am not a therapist go ask Tobirama or something" (R/n) says as he continues to count his money.

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